Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] they [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Just a minute … ’ and finally , ‘ Well , I expect we 'll see you when you 've the time , ’ as if she only visited them twice a year .
2 ‘ I had never heard of this before , and you can imagine the complaints from customers , we could only tell them once the police had told us .
3 Yeah , which is why I only take them once every so often which is why I only have the two because it means I can take them , you know if you 've got a family of four kids or something
4 We only have them once a week
5 Just put them down the way you think that they 're spelt .
6 we 'll just send them back the problem and send fully stamped
7 I 'll just file them down a bit .
8 He just cleans them up every time he comes out , either
9 No that 's part of the the windows washing but I 'll quickly washed over them just to spruce them up a bit but I thought if I put Mrs in that , is she driving , or is she not ?
10 to come in and blitz the place from top too bottom and if we just have them once a fortnight , the in between weekend I can whiz round ,
11 In Ninfania , no one threw away the feather of a bird or the peel of a fruit or the seed from a melon , let alone such durable items as the buttons and hooks and eyes from a worn-out item of underwear — I 've seen you still snip them off an old bra , even today , and drop them into a little box in your sewing basket .
12 She went straight into the kitchen , and automatically made them both a cup of coffee , a mutual family ritual when one of them went out to a meeting .
13 They also show them clearly the massive benefits enjoyed by employers and the costs which they are carrying .
14 The internal-combustion engine probably chews them up a lot more than anything that 's gone before , but the Patients themselves do n't alter .
15 As an outsider , probably being the only Englishman in the quarries , you know I I think they were surprised , the fact that it was a local family , I think that 's what really rubbed them up the wrong way .
16 That eventually took them down the wide , steep main street of a small town , then the road narrowed , crossed an old stone bridge , and began to climb , leaving behind the houses , the church with its tall , graceful steeple , and the half-timbered buildings .
17 And I 've not even took them out the thing .
18 Males then show them where the nests are .
19 She took the bones of Lucy 's text , then fleshed them out a little here and there .
20 The paramilitaries felt , quite rightly as it turned out , that the politicians would use them when it suited them and then reject them once the threat of anarchy had achieved the desired end of bringing down Brian Faulkner .
21 TO peel the chestnuts , use a sharp knife to make a couple of slits in the skin of each one , put them in a saucepan , pour over enough boiling water to cover and simmer over a medium heat for about 5 minutes , then take them out a few at a time , drain and refresh them under running cold water .
22 Mountain Rescue get little trouble from ramblers , since their rambles rarely take them off a bus route , and you can sometimes spot them at the sides of the road , gazing into a hedgerow as their leader tells them a little about the history of couch grass .
23 On many occasions a small group of children will be playing with cars , either running them down an incline ( a plank resting on a block ) or pushing them up .
24 ‘ But while people think of me perhaps as just a guitar producer who does n't go anywhere near sequencers , I actually use them quite a lot .
25 I took up a lot of my daffs and started , erm erm I never take them up every year
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