Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This served two purposes , firstly the importance of the problems was diminished when they were written down ( even the most depressed person could not resist a smile when they wrote down some of their worries — somehow they looked silly on paper ) and , secondly , it enabled them to delete items on the list when the problems were solved , thereby proving that most problems were capable of being solved .
2 The reception office should be so organised that all sources of information necessary to answer enquiries are immediately to hand .
3 We know enough to know that these things are not good for our life support system or for our quality of life , and that our activities have damaging effects on our wildlife .
4 Mansfield rightly concludes that most Arabs would like to live in a more tolerant society under efficient modern governments .
5 At the new Grand Central in New York there was a separate waiting-room for gangs of labourers and immigrants , with its own attendants , so designed that these groups need not encounter other passengers .
6 British Rail has long argued that most passengers travelling to and from King 's Cross will do so by public transport .
7 Users of financial statements would wrongly assume that such paragraphs are a form of qualification .
8 I only hope that both teams will restrain themselves and will try to avoid carrying on the so-called ‘ feud ’ .
9 I only hope that those youngsters who may believe it is cool to take substances like this will take heed of Rachel 's terribly sad case and think again .
10 One can only assume that some estates and businesses were sold to his wealthy followers .
11 If it 's something to do with music reflecting society 's tends rather than being the voice of treason , then can we rightly assume that most bands of the last ten years have been pro-Thatcher ?
12 If it 's something to do with music reflecting society 's tends rather than being the voice of treason , then can we rightly assume that most bands of the last ten years have been pro-Thatcher ?
13 Although all of this adds up to a fairly persuasive case in favour of certain types of co-operative R&D in certain circumstances , the case is not strong enough to suggest that all types of ventures will have positive ( or even benign ) effects on social welfare .
14 ‘ At twenty he is still young and foolish enough to believe that all women are goddesses under the skin .
15 Nursing staff on some of those areas that we would pick out — those would be the intensive care units , the children 's units , the delivery suites and special care baby units — the nursing staff actually have control of permits which they can issue to relatives who are going to be here for a great length of time , and if they so feel that these relatives should n't be charged , they give them a permit and they park in a staff area at no charge whatsoever .
16 Indeed just as ( 1a ) does not say that any calls were made , ( 7a ) does not necessarily imply that any questions were actually asked by the examiners at all ( while ( 7b ) does ) .
17 The manufacturers recognised that the camcorders would not catch on unless they adopted a common format allowing video enthusiasts to record and play back tapes on different models of machine , The standard the companies agreed is flexible in that it leaves room for technical developments before the camcorders go on sale , but is tight enough to ensure that all camcorders will eventually be compatible .
18 How it differs from Liphook , however , is that the head teacher is wise enough to understand that all children are individuals and what works for one may not work so well for another .
19 Here we need only note that all applications for a prerogative order are public actions ; and in some cases applications for declarations and injunctions must be made in accordance with Order 53 .
20 ‘ Surely you 're old enough to realise that all men have some ulterior motive when they invite a woman out ?
21 Although it is obviously hoped that these accounts will be interesting as economic history , whatever they reveal about the working and role of government may also be relevant and applicable today .
22 It involves , for example , some consideration of the overall aims or purpose of a course , though this does not necessarily mean that such aims have to be explicitly formulated or prespecified .
23 The fact , however , that they have designed a language to fulfil these functions does not necessarily mean that these functions could not be fulfilled in other ways , nor that their language is intrinsically connected with them , nor that the language has necessarily been proven to succeed in achieving these ideals .
24 ( Of course , even if they do , it will not necessarily mean that these concepts will have the same importance for Q[x] as for Z. )
25 This is a mistaken fear : if causes are the cement of both the natural and social universe , refusal to consider their existence will not stop them operating ; it will merely mean that such causes are not uncovered , and , ironically , therefore will not be harnessed to give people greater control over and choice in their environment .
26 Sleight apologised for this state of affairs at the Congress in Dublin in 1895 : " It must be remembered that it is exceedingly difficult for the executive committee to meet together often , for every time they do so they have to bear their own travelling expenses , and sometimes hotel expenses ; and to whatever centre they are summoned , it only means that some members of the committee have to travel a considerable distance .
27 The defence societies constantly warn that most complaints are provoked by doctors failing to communicate adequately , so there is an argument for adopting the ‘ defensive ’ practice of our American colleagues when consent for treatment is sought : but do our patients have the stomach for an American approach ?
28 Partly , this is because the author rightly recognizes that many users of the Statute Book approach it in a different way from a judge who is presented with two opposing interpretations with supporting arguments .
29 But budgetary relations between the White House and Democratic leaders in Congress are now so strained that some officials warn that the whole process of long-term deficit reduction could be threatened .
30 In a highly competitive market the returns would be a satisfactory performance measure ; for a monopolist it might merely reflect that any inefficiencies in service have been passed on to the customers who have no choice but to pay the higher prices .
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