Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] for [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While the planned closure of both Digby and Exminster did mean some transitory inter-hospital transfers , both the chronic long-stay population and elderly people with dementia were considered to be better cared for in the community .
2 I know now , although I think I knew at the time , why one was so cared for by the ordinary people of Bury in 1941 .
3 The picture was completed only in 1971 when children with severe learning difficulties , hitherto provided for by the health authorities , were brought into the education service .
4 Every tiny improvement has to be fiercely fought for in the fields of housing , education and social pleasure .
5 However , the season only lasts for from the beginning of May until the end of November , after which the lake , canal and much of the Gulf of Finland freezes up with ice which can be 2ft ( 0.6m ) thick .
6 Mrs Whitehouse 's attitude to homosexuals and homosexuality , though , is somewhat more complex than was perhaps allowed for at the time .
7 The omission of the words is , however , sufficiently accounted for by the fact that they were part of the definition of the trespassory taking which it was a principal object of the [ Theft Act 1968 ] to abolish .
8 If such crimes really are entirely accounted for by the possession of abnormal motives propelling their possessors into crime regardless of any other considerations , then it does not really possess the features that usually class actions as ‘ crimes ’ ; rather , it would belong in some alternative category , such as mental illness .
9 An organism 's phenotype was thus believed to be almost entirely accounted for by the sum of these two apparently independent variables .
10 It is time to give serious consideration to a standing United Nations army , perhaps paid for by the rich and manned by the poor of the world .
11 Bouncing the rhythm and lead guitars and reprocessing them was , I admit , a bit over the top but , even so ( apart from a slight dulling of the sound , easily compensated for in the final mix ) , I thought the results were very good .
12 Any loss in emotional or dramatic range , however , is generally compensated for by the fearsome intensity of the vision that results , and the compelling stylishness with which it is communicated .
13 It means that even gardens are no longer cared for in the despair that is felt .
14 I mean I can remember the nineteen twenty , I I were n't sure whether it was the twenty one or the twenty six strike , and my father was erm on strike , you see , but the ponies had to be thus cared for in the field an I do n't think he received any pay and I remember very well erm going to the , my father applying for relief , and er we had to go and face the erm Court of Referees .
15 There is nothing to stop the parties specifically preventing the expert from pursuing his own investigations and limiting his consideration of evidence to the material submitted by the parties ; this can be attended to at this stage , if it has not been already provided for in the expert clause : see 8.15.8 .
16 Water is normally paid for via the water rates , but the water industry is looking at the feasibility of water metering in the future .
17 But one of the great ironies of the second world war was that the freedom and democracy that was won back in Western Europe was largely paid for by the blood of Russians .
18 was largely accounted for in the lower ranks .
19 The increased sensitivity of cattle stealing to hardship may be largely accounted for by the fact that at this time more cattle stealing was carried out casually , mostly for immediate consumption as beef .
20 Although at first sight , therefore , it seems that there was a strong age-related gradient in the overall net income of elderly people , the effect was largely accounted for by the dissolution of married-couple households when husbands died , leaving widows significantly worse off not only than married couples , but also than men living on their own .
21 There will be a single budget which we 've always argued for in the management committee the head of centre will and this is very important and I hope members are clear the head of centre which is the head of the Moat Centre which is the proposed under the amendment will be appointed within this financial year , will be appointed out of the existing budget .
22 through such international organs and procedures as may be specially provided for in the treaty or in any other treaties or instruments in force .
23 ‘ The contract between mortgagor and mortgagee , as it is understood in this court , makes the mortgage a security , not only for principal and interest , and such ordinary charges and expenses as are usually provided for by the instrument creating the security , but also for the costs properly incident to a suit for foreclosure or redemption .
24 Otherwise , the patient might spend some time in a private nursing home , possibly paid for by the State .
25 This was the outcome of changes in population growth and its age distribution which were only partly compensated for by the marked increase in female participation ratios , especially of those in the 25–60 age groups [ Matthews et al. , 1982 ] .
26 A detailed case study approach is also called for by the nature of the explanatory variables that will be proposed .
27 Some of its relics are scrupulously cared for in the English Circle headquarters ; they showed me a pair of jockey scales , caricatures of riders clambering redfaced out of ditches , group paintings of the hunt moving off .
28 Woosnam has chosen the sort of meal which he would probably plump for at the Golden Lion : leek and potato soup , Welsh lamb with mint sauce , Eve 's ( apple ) pudding , cheese and biscuits , coffee .
29 ‘ I remember her card : ‘ I am being very attentively cared for by the hotel doctor , William Simpson . ’
30 A corrective is clearly called for in the form of an illustrative counterexample .
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