Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [pers pn] all " in BNC.

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1 There is festering resentment in dark green quarters over what is seen as Julia 's reluctance to state baldly that there is no such thing as a green product , or that continued consumption at the present rate can only lead to us all dying in some particularly horrible way .
2 Much love to you all
3 The camera work is superb and I must especially commend to you all the final shots of the film which show a train heading up the Talerddig incline taken from a nearby hillside .
4 Just now I can only say to you all , Thank you very , very much indeed . ’
5 The problem is no easier with other schemes of the same kind ; accusations of chauvinism , racism , and inability to transcend the limited nineteenth-century world view can be successfully applied to them all .
6 Well that 's it , they just they just see to it all .
7 The term " Chetniks " could only have been used very loosely to apply to them all , although in Macmillan 's diary entry on his visit to Klagenfurt he refers to the use of the word " Chetniks " to describe " guerilla forces raised by the Germans from Slovenes and …
8 ‘ I left Rhydoldog for ever ’ , Laura was to write later , ‘ on an early April day when the wild daffodils were smothering the banks of the old water garden and thousands more nodded to me all the way down the lovely driveway to say farewell . ’
9 Should it ever happen to you all complaints to Mr. Kirby please .
10 Also into this category comes fear of death which , although based on genuine reason because obviously it will eventually happen to us all , is quite abstract in healthy people .
11 Unfortunately she now clings to me all the time and I find it terribly embarrassing and uncomfortable .
12 But then they 'd say , ‘ I ca n't stand here listening to you all day ’ , and go off and do something else .
13 We mentioned about determining not to miss a single spiritual meal , Matthew chapter five and verse three well known to us all I think it 's in those
14 Frank Tate will be well known to you all , not only as a fine bass player , but as the architect of many special groups that have appeared in the Guinness Spot .
15 Had Hotspur even confided to him all that she had urged and confessed , yesterday evening ?
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