Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] a [adj] part " in BNC.

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1 A crew was predominantly a male group , like any other city gang , yet the skinhead girls eventually became an accepted part of the scene .
2 IL-8 presumably plays an important part in neutrophil diapedesis through vascular endothelium and focal recruitment at inflamed sites .
3 The extent to which either the adult or child within plays a significant part in our lives depends greatly on our own upbringing .
4 Isolating stallions from other horses obviously plays a large part in the aggression and even viciousness some stallions display towards mares .
5 As young people were being encouraged , if not forced , to raise the stakes of involvement , by the pressures of the wars , brutal police , terrorist causes and other assorted hostilities , violence suddenly became an integral part of the youth movement as the feeling of the impending apocalypse heightened .
6 Experience of being in the pew naturally plays an important part in forming perceptions of how to plan and conduct worship , and the place of music within it .
7 Much more important than the Duchy was the royal household , whose financial institutions , the Chamber and the Wardrobe , not only consumed a large part of the Crown 's income but also assisted , from time to time , in national government .
8 ABS Computers Ltd , formerly the Allied Business Systems small business computer manufacturer , has long looked a vestigial part of the Trafalgar House Plc empire , too small to turn up in the annual report , and giving the impression that top management was unaware of its existence .
9 ABS Computers Ltd , formerly the Allied Business Systems small business computer manufacturer , has long looked a vestigial part of the Trafalgar House Plc empire , too small to turn up in the annual report , and giving the impression that top management was unaware of its existence .
10 At the cessation of the solo passage , if the instrument continues to play but only has a subordinate part , it is a good plan to place an asterisk at the point where the prominent passage ends .
11 ‘ We 've only seen a small part of the hospital wing , ’ Fairham observed .
12 He none the less played a prominent part in 1520 in the preparations at Calais for the ‘ Field of the Cloth of Gold ’ , continued to supervise the works at Eton , and seems to have been the architect of St Stephen 's cloister in Westminster Palace .
13 It also encourages the community to anticipate such changes and so achieves a good part of the benefit of change without the waste of litigation , or the expensive , uncertain , and awkward process of legislation .
14 Her husband , Bill Clough , seemed awkward and unsure of himself : his suit fitted badly , and he looked like a comic who has unwisely accepted a serious part in provincial rep .
15 They are drastic pieces of legislation which should rightly occupy a large part of the time of the House .
16 Practical work is an important part of the education of all engineers and so forms an integral part of all four years of the course .
17 Some of these early nautiloids occurred in such abundance that they are conspicuous enough to form an appreciable part of limestone formations — the ‘ Orthoceras Limestone ’ ( Ordovician ) is one of these , widely distributed through Scandinavia .
18 Profits are well up , cost reduction obviously played a major part in this and the F T group is er , fifty five percent up on last year and this is against the background of a five percent drop in advertisement volume and we have an eleven percent drop in advertisement volume from the continent of Europe erm , which of course does n't affect other national newspapers .
19 When comparative efficiency is taken into account , such a degree of concentration can not be directly explained by Britain 's reliance on international trade , though its traditional international role had obviously played an important part in conditioning business horizons .
20 My impression was that I was only getting a small part of his attention , that he was profoundly preoccupied and that the one thing he wanted was to be left alone . ’
21 Suffice it to say that in this field voluntary effort has long played a considerable part and there are signs that it intends to increase its contribution to this field .
22 A R. So getting a good part in the end of term productions was much more competitive for you , Dulcie ?
23 Matrix sampling is also used , such that each student only takes a small part of the total battery of tests .
24 The individual bourgeois who felt called upon to comment on public matters knew that a letter to The Times or the Neue Freie Presse would not merely reach a large part of his class and the decision makers , but , what was more important , that it would be printed on the strength of his standing as an individual .
25 In this , academic qualifications obviously play a large part , but close attention is given also to the applicant 's personality and non-academic interests and attainments based on information supplied by the candidate and by the confidential referee .
26 In this , academic qualifications obviously play a large part , but close attention is given also to the applicant 's personality and non-academic interests and attainments based on information supplied by the candidate and by the confidential referee .
27 Also , a reporter can only extract a tiny part from any whole event , and in many cases he extracts what will be eye-catching and provocative .
28 ‘ Financial considerations will obviously play a big part .
29 ‘ Blue-blooded enough to take an active part in ruling the Venetian empire and having the family name inscribed in the Book of Gold .
30 The problem is that despite all the well-intentioned efforts of those who have devised the various syllabuses , whether for the old CSE/ ‘ O ’ levels or the new GCSE , what can be accurately assessed may only represent a small part of what arts education is all about .
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