Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Chancellor will need little reminding of the importance the industry attaches to negotiating satisfactory arrangements for excise duty ‘ harmonisation ’ .
2 Present-opening sessions are generally unpredictable affairs , the pictures being shot with mobile camera on a catch-as-catch-can basis with the sound mostly consisting of the rustling of wrapping paper being undone and the excited squeaks of the recipients .
3 The thief rarely thinks of the consequences for the victim .
4 There he was forcibly reminded of the humiliation of his situation .
5 After the Leeds Congress Maginn was plainly a disappointed man and probably did not altogether approve of the BDDA 's leadership .
6 Now , we 've all heard of the tyre company that boasts that it 's fitters are fastest .
7 We have all heard of the party game where a message is whispered form one person to the next : ‘ Send up reinforcements , we are going to advance ’ .
8 We have all heard of the addiction caused by long-term taking of tranquillisers but did you realise that the effect of sleeping pills can last well into the following day and many antihistamines ( commonly taken to relieve colds or allergies ) can make you so drowsy that you should not drive for some hours after taking them ?
9 ‘ You have all heard of the tragedy that has struck my house . ’
10 But for one or two better clad of the group , the place might truthfully be designated a shopful of rags .
11 He could only think of the confessional 's stock-in-trade : ‘ Did you find pleasure in it , Luke ? ’
12 Certainly much touching of the penises , penile erection , and display occur between young male geladas and the behaviour is commonly used in greeting behaviour .
13 However , the incident is highly revealing of the concern felt in Cuba about the difficulties of persuading Moscow to make a substantial commitment .
14 We 're only disposing of the vehicle his spirit used for its journey on earth . ’
15 They are sandwich-boards for Oedipal tendencies , eagerly disposing of the father — they reject authority , law , the land — and reverting with fervour to the embrace of the all-mothering sea .
16 If we turn our attention briefly to tobacco , much is made ( and quite rightly ) of the health risks of smoking and we are constantly reminded of the cost to the National Health Service for treating patients with smoking-related diseases .
17 Apart from the general fitness between what most would see as a hostile and acerbic tale and a bitter and unlovely character , one is constantly reminded of the Reeve 's provincial origins by his own dialect speech — in particular the occasional use of the Scandinavian-derived first person pronoun ik , " I " , against Chaucer 's standard ich — and by the northern speech of his two clerks , Alayn and John of Strother ( perhaps modelled on two northern characters known to the English court ) , which was yet further removed from the London standard of Chaucer 's day .
18 As the sacrifices were performed day after day , year after year , as the Day of Atonement came and went , Israel was constantly reminded of the sin which cut them off from God 's presence .
19 ‘ The present players are constantly reminded of the Busby Babes and great names of the past .
20 Erich Honecker , the country 's 77-year-old leader , continued only to talk of the need for ‘ the further development of socialism ’ , in his speech in the Palace of the Republic .
21 The images together speak of the losses within language incurred through the passages of migration — losses accrued through violation , silence and often subtlety .
22 Memories obviously lingered of the War Communism strategy of trying to divide richer from poorer peasants .
23 It is not sufficient merely to talk of the articulation of two independent spheres ( Bourdieu 1984 : 230 ) .
24 It was considered even less seemly to talk of the art market and collecting , but Bonito Oliva refused to bow to such conventions and , in 1974 wrote an essay entitled ‘ Mercato come opera d'arte ’ ( The market as a work of art ) , giving historical instances of how the market had often anticipated the choices of museums and art critics .
25 Thru reveals that many structuralist theories of narrative are simulacra of the story we have all internalized of the constitution of subjectivity through the reification of women .
26 We are not all made of the stuff of John Weller , nor should it be necessary for us to be so .
27 And even less to remember of the delay at Ankara before the connection to Baghdad .
28 The newspapers , the radio , the people in the streets , all talked of the drift to war .
29 people had hitherto talked of the aftermath of nuclear bombing as ‘ catastrophic ’ ; he introduced the concept of ‘ acceptable damage ’ .
30 In the meantime , all his friends have been dispatched by serial killers , his dad , wrongly accused of the crimes , has killed himself and his mum has gone mad .
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