Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not the least of the memorable impressions of the evening is Robert Stephens 's fascinating Falstaff , a guiltily grinning fellow who brings to bear those wonderfully lugubrious vowels of his , swigging sack , emitting little laughs and sly asides .
2 But the many complex descriptions of the real social practice of literate and oral modes that are now becoming available suggest that literacy and orality are not so vastly differentiated as these writers claim .
3 This served two purposes , firstly the importance of the problems was diminished when they were written down ( even the most depressed person could not resist a smile when they wrote down some of their worries — somehow they looked silly on paper ) and , secondly , it enabled them to delete items on the list when the problems were solved , thereby proving that most problems were capable of being solved .
4 A long term test of the Tempa Rossa 2 well has been successfully completed and good production rates were achieved from a sidetrack to the original discovery well .
5 The way in which polling day is conducted , little altered since secret ballots were introduced , stands as a reliable landmark in a volatile political scene .
6 Badly drained and low-lying areas are best avoided .
7 However , much of this work is heavily weighted towards the study of individual words , even though it is widely recognized that most vocabulary growth comes from encountering words in the course of reading .
8 In fact it is now widely recognized that some consumption expenditure of this type , in so far as it combats malnutrition , should be considered as equivalent to investment .
9 The growth of executive power at the expense of legislative authority has been widely recognized as another feature of capitalism affecting bureaucracy , especially as capitalism moves through its monopoly phase , or as the class struggle intensifies and threatens the process of capital accumulattion .
10 The fact that goods have not been paid for does not prevent ownership in them passing to the purchaser unless , of course , they are subject to a properly communicated and valid retention clause .
11 Despite the instability of this couple , the team was badly shaken and many relationships suffered , much misunderstanding continued no matter what was done to clear it up .
12 I do n't know what I think in view of what you say , Mary , go into to great detail as to what went wrong with this , erm because I can cut that short because the fact is that Russell eventually admitted that this programme simply was n't viable .
13 The haemorrhage was successfully treated and prolonged freedom from bleeding achieved in all patients except 1 whose haemorrhage was caused by diffuse gastric infiltration with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and who had only short-term relief .
14 I have since heard that many people thought this to be unfair and an additional class has been effected for next year called the professional amateur class .
15 In these respects , the EC has taken a very proactive role , guided by the importance of the single market which can not effectively exist if intellectual property rights vary from one Member State to another or if they can be used to restrict the free movement of goods .
16 The rest is up to the children , music included ; as Runswick and music director Terry Edwards discovered on their rounds of the schools at an earlier stage in the project , the teachers had only to supervise , rarely to prompt or invent-solid preparation indeed for the GCSE 's new emphasis on composition .
17 But it 's now widely tipped as one labour can win .
18 The ornately decorated and sculptured churches were parables and sermons in honey-coloured stone , miraculously preserved .
19 But it is widely expected that further heads will have to roll if the discredited Communist Party is to retrieve the situation .
20 5% Discount off Contents and Personal Possessions premiums if your home is protected by a professionally installed and maintained burglar alarm system .
21 The technique of moving together on the rope is one of the most mistrusted and misused methods of travel in the mountains .
22 The Labour government proved unwilling to pursue a more overtly socialist approach ; physical controls acquired during wartime were eventually discarded and those industries that were nationalized , such as steel and the railways , were basically essential and loss-making concerns .
23 Its immediate result was to divide the aeroplane up into a large number of badly ventilated and inaccessible compartments .
24 The results in rectal mucosa of twins with Crohn 's disease were widely scattered and affected twins did not differe significantly from normal controls .
25 After that race his family remembers him coming home with badly bruised and torn feet and looking like a skeleton .
26 It is widely claimed that English speech tends towards a regular alternation between stronger and weaker , and tends to adjust stress levels to bring this about .
27 On the other hand , patients with locally confined but palpable disease who are treated by either radiotherapy or radical prostatectomy will show five year survival rates of 75–85% and will enjoy a life expectancy comparable to that of an aged matched male population .
28 The day after the resignation , Sir Geoffrey Howe , the Foreign Secretary , accused Heseltine of presenting ‘ a wholly exaggerated and misleading picture ’ of the Prime Minister 's conduct of the Westland issue .
29 This was the launching of courses of twelve 1 hour meetings in liberal studies for young workers ( mostly craft and commercial apprentices ) employed by different firms within the District .
30 In the confusion his brother was badly wounded and two men were killed .
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