Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 The nature of Burne-Jones 's aims and predilections in art are well-enough known by this time , and have been defined by himself absolutely fitted to this thought : ‘ I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was , never will be — in a light better than any light that ever shone — in a land no one can define or remember , only desire . ’
2 The contractors have been requested to maintain safe routes of access to the Library throughout the contract , but your co-operation and forbearance would be much appreciated during this time .
3 Place in a cold frame or on a windowsill out of direct sunlight , where they will soon root at this time of year .
4 The group itself is usually already perceived by this time as a source of comfort , strength , wisdom and support even though only a few weeks previously all its members were lost in active addictive disease .
5 Jean Harlow , alias the teenager Harlean Carpenter from Kansas City , was doing all she could to pull Hollywood out of the slump but in general the more respectable critics were more prepared at this time to hand the plaudits to the male actors , who were seen very much as the cutting edge of the new realism .
6 Villagers said that none ever came at this time of year .
7 It is quite apparent from the context that this is the same man ( apart from the supporting fact that Andrew is a name hardly used at this time ) .
8 He is socially isolated during this time .
9 No I , I have n't got any plans at the moment , you know I 've been sort of er I usually go around this time you know , er
10 The gaping division between the settled , Christian , treaty Nez Perce , and the ‘ heathen ’ , non-treaty faction was further widened at this time by the appearance of the Dreamer religion , introduced by a hunch-backed Wanapum holy man named Smohalla .
11 She had eaten much more than she usually did at this time of day .
12 I usually come around this time .
13 As we shall see , judicial intervention was not noticeably restrained at this time in other political cockpits .
14 The Jewish civil year still begins at this time , but since the exodus from Egypt the Jewish ecclesiastical year has begun with the month Nisan at the spring equinox .
15 The soldiers ' families have probably received by this time a letter containing the words ‘ missing in action' ’ .
16 The post of chief whip was exceptionally demanding at this time because of the constitutional crisis following the Lords ' rejection of the 1909 budget , and the Liberals ' dependence on the Irish party .
17 St. Martin 's was rebuilt over twenty years after the sack , which implies there was no extensive damage to its structure , and although All Saints ' was also rebuilt at this time , a great deal of its thirteenth-century architecture survived .
18 During one excursion which probably occurred at this time Tom Poole took his friends to Walford 's Gibbet on the Quantock slopes between Holford and Stowey , and there recounted John Walford 's tragic history .
19 The invention of the zodiac , the belt round the sky in which the sun , moon , and planets lie , also occurred about this time .
20 Indeed , the movement for total abstinence from alcohol , which also flourished at this time in Protestant and puritan countries , illustrates this clearly .
21 But it remains to be seen whether this somewhat confused mixture of ideologies represents a realistic and coherent guiding force for the type of global change in human values that is so urgently needed at this time .
22 The Northern People 's Congress ( NPC ) led by a schoolteacher , Tafawa Balewa , and backed by the northern Emirates , was also founded at this time , early enough to fight elections held in 1952 .
23 The mammals also existed at this time , starting a little later in the mid-Triassic , but in very insignificant numbers and they were tiny until after the death of the dinosaurs , after which they had more fully evolved from the pelycosaurs and therapsids .
24 Champagne was also prospering during this time from the great trade fairs .
25 Possibly the direct effects of war on the Flemish cloth towns , which suffered from the campaigns , may have been a further benefit to English producers ; indeed this may have been a more important factor in the decline of Flanders than the tariff protection enjoyed by England , because the Dutch cloth industry , which used English wool , also developed at this time at the expense of the Flemish .
26 The Professional , Bert Skoyles , and the Caddie Master , Tommy Gould , are both remembered at this time by former caddie , Charles Robins ( born 1905 ) , father of present member Maurice .
27 Bridges were also fortified at this time and the Monnow Bridge in the Welsh border region is a survivor ( 481 ) .
28 Canids and felids also date from this time ( Savage , 1965 ) , but like hyaenids they do not become common until the middle Miocene .
29 Oil related activity in the North Sea also increased at this time , and helicopter flights to offshore sites reached record numbers in 1978 .
30 ‘ This is not surprising , ’ notes Correll , ‘ because nitrogen oxide emissions due to fossil fuel combustion also increased during this time . ’
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