Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Despite a slight drop in new construction orders in May , compared with April , there has been an overall nationwide upward tend in the five months since last December , according to the latest figures prepared exclusively for Chartered Builder by Bournemouth based Glenigan Limited .
2 That view has been little heard since the 1960s , when London reasserted a traditional suzerainty over theatre and literary publishing , and that so silently , and so naturally , that the reversion passed almost unnoticed .
3 But , with the notable exception of the free-market Institute of Economic Affairs ( widely regarded in the 1960s , by people who now wish they had n't , as a home for impractical crackpots ) , they were guardians of the chalice of consensus .
4 In fact it rarely met in the 1920s .
5 An important phase in this was achieved in the diplomatic efforts initiated by the Red Cross Resolution of 1965 which eventually led to the 1977 Geneva Protocols , discussed in the previous section .
6 We have been robust in dealing with planning applications in green belt areas , and we are wholly committed to the five objectives of the green belt .
7 No less than eighty-five per cent of the catering and retail outlets and eighty-four per cent of the accommodation establishments were found to be locally owned in the six locations where detailed research was done : Arundel , Broadway , Chipping Campden , Lavenham , Long Melford and Woodstock .
8 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
9 The crowds , eventually numbering in the thousands , evolved into a spontaneous anti-war demonstration and headed across town , disrupting traffic while shouting ‘ No blood for oil ’ and finally rallying at the United Nations building .
10 The plain fact is that some elements of the social charter would run the risk — indeed , would make it a real possibility — of this country returning to some of the trade union practices that did so much damage during the 1970s .
11 Credit systems in England were already highly developed by the 1160s , as the surviving records of the Christian William Cade [ q.v. ] attest .
12 I mean to we had to literally eat in the one day
13 One lady even came armed with a floral chamber pot — she had obviously heard of the 14/20 Hussars Mess Dinners where a similar receptacle , but of silver is used for drinking .
14 Reports indicated , however , that as in the 1992 budget [ see p. 38211 where it was wrongly given as the 1991 budget ; for 1991 budget see p. 38072 ] , there was special emphasis on the reconstruction of the country 's social , economic and industrial infrastructure .
15 Sacchi was sufficiently unnerved by the 2–2 near miss at home to Switzerland to coax veteran sweeper Franco Baresi out of international retirement , and to examine the contributions of a few of his others players .
16 The changes wrought by the Heath government were allowed to survive , to be left for Mrs Thatcher gleefully to dismantle in the eighties .
17 Incidentally the pattern was to be repeated thirty years later : when under the Thirty Years Peace ( 446 ) Megara returned to the Peloponnesian League , and Aigina regained some kind of autonomy , Corinthian hostility towards Athens abated , only to revive in the mid-430s when Athens once again began to pressurize Megara , by the ‘ Megarian Decrees ’ , and to infringe the autonomy of Aigina ( Thuc. i.67 ) .
18 The two companies would keep separate identities and would only cooperate on the one service .
19 Many nurseries are adding species and Old varieties to their lists and you may well find shrub forms , ramblers and climbers all grouped under the one heading .
20 The reader is constantly reminded of the two main assumptions which Petrey takes to be central to the theory : that language depends on social conventions rather than on any individual 's intentions , and that language is used to do things rather than to represent things .
21 As the law is complex to apply in some cases where the notice period needs to be calculated and perhaps added to the three months limit or , as in the Sen case , the adviser simply got the calculation of the three months wrong , the claim should be presented and the Tribunal asked to consider the facts before exercising its discretion .
22 To see essentialism and social constructionism as polarized opposites may be useful for rhetorical purposes , but any fully-sensitive analysis of culture and sexuality must constantly negotiate between the two .
23 Tonight we start a series on architectural follies around the region.A folly is a building with no special purpose … often built at the whim of a wealthy landowner.We begin by peering into a concrete grotto … and touring some mock medieval cloisters , all built in the 1930s by the man who invented reflective road signs .
24 There had been little enough to choose between the two killings , yet all the difference in the world between the fates of those responsible : the one retired with honours , the other shot by firing squad at the age of twenty-eight .
25 I only came across the 1936 front page because it was hanging framed on the right-hand wall of old Pierre Gemayel 's office when I went to talk to him in the summer of 1982 in east Beirut .
26 Meanwhile , the company is bragging that it 's having trouble dumbing down the Alpha chip to make it slow enough to sell against the 80486 .
27 Even in India , where railway-building developed rapidly between the 1860s and 1880s , the crucial feeder lines most important to the exploitation of India 's resources were only built in the twenty years before the First World War .
28 It is customary to refer to autistic children rather than autistic people because the first account of the syndrome was only written in the 1940s by Dr Leo Kanner who said :
29 Twenty four were randomly selected from the 70 who volunteered .
30 The bowling alley , which is part of a Karachi fairground , is very old — perhaps dating from the 1950s — and seems to have been imported from the US , commented Faye Ashton who organised the event during HMS Chatham 's recent goodwill visit .
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