Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The recession continued unabated in the UK and started to gather pace in many of our export markets , however , we successfully expanded our agriculture business and became the UKs Number One , through the purchase of from .
4 ‘ The finest views are from the bottom , and at some places a little above it , but few dare venture to the bottom particularly those females whose pedestrian excursions have chiefly been upon level ground ; nay the male sex are often appalled with a view of the way , and many a Bond-street gentleman , in his stable costume , would rather hazard his neck four-in-hand , than risk it by having his arms precariously supported by the twigs and branches he may find in his way to the gulph below . ’
5 A 23-YEAR-OLD customs man who drugged , bound and indecently assaulted his woman boss in a revenge attack after being passed over for promotion was jailed for seven years at the Old Bailey in London yesterday .
6 Fond as he was of aquatints and textured design , colour rarely entered his commentary vocabulary .
7 The market not only drives our product development but also our business culture .
8 Why we have gone so long using our branch network as though it were doing the information job .
9 He apparently made his way north to Gdańsk and organised a merchant vessel to carry him to Finland .
10 Luckily that aerial only pierced his dust coat .
11 In an attempt to reduce administration costs , in future we will only notify your drug control officials of positive test results .
12 In the sixties , the Medau Society greatly expanded its training provision , and Edith was in the van of courses set up farther afield , travelling regularly to Norfolk , Leeds , the South West and many other venues .
13 This not only leaves little for continued growth into the future , but also means that the society 's solvency margins have been reduced , so inhibiting its investment freedom and with it , investment performance .
14 Then comes a point , if matters continue , where the woman can suddenly experience her resistance crumbling , like a heavy door giving way before a battering ram pounding against it .
15 The eminent female psychologists in O'Connell and Russo 's ( 1983 ) study who had married , had all delayed their career development in favour of that of their husbands .
16 Lloyd 's is keen not only to increase its market share but to broaden its spread of risks .
17 Lloyd 's is keen not only to increase its market share but to broaden its spread of risks .
18 Firm A has a balancing allowance in year 3 of 26.25 and so has its corporation tax reduced by 9.19 ( i.e. 26.25 × 35% ) in that year but ends up with a balancing charge of 23.75 in year 4 and so has an additional tax liability of 8.31 ( i.e. 23.75 × 35% ) in year 4 .
19 To remind you briefly about this decision — it was felt that at a time when the Society was under considerable pressure , not only to up-date its training structure but also to streamline administration , a Professional Affiliation Fee would benefit everyone .
20 So better give her mother time to cool down and not stoke her anger further by trying to defend Molly .
21 The government of the day will often let it be known to one of its aspiring party members that it would greatly welcome his ballot victory to promote a particular piece of legislation which it , the Government , does not wish to devote its own time to , either because of its controversial nature or simply because it has better things to do .
22 The ADT London Marathon organisers and British Rail have agreed that runners need only show their race number .
23 well , that 's the one thing I 'm expert at , yes , so , so says my birthday card
24 But running between the feet of elephants , as the company colourfully describes its market position , is a dangerous business , particularly when the trend in the train-building industry is towards the creation of larger international suppliers .
25 But running between the feet of elephants , as the company colourfully describes its market position , is a dangerous business , particularly when the trend in the train-building industry is towards the creation of larger international suppliers .
26 One sentry almost drowned on his feet , for the wind had pinned him against a rock , and he could not free himself or even turn his face into shelter , while it dashed into his mouth and nostrils unceasing volleys of rain so heavy that he could not get his breath ; and if two of his companions who had their backs turned upon the blast had not been cast against him , and so afforded his face shelter enough to breathe , he must have died spread-eagled there .
27 Among the big gainers , Tonka 's 16.5% 1997 bond , Macy 's 14.5% 1998 , Southland 's 14.5% 1995 and RJR Nabisco 's 17% 2007 have all seen their price rise by half or more this year .
28 Remember , it takes your skin between 24 and 48 hours to start producing melanin , which will not only give your skin colour but some natural protection , too .
29 CINDERELLA made it to the ball — and just often enough to avoid her tennis return from becoming a pantomime farce .
30 ‘ We 've only got your adoption certificate . ’
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