Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] [art] great " in BNC.

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1 Nicholas believed that ‘ No man can so much advance his own good and happiness in anything as endeavouring all that in him lies the good and welfare of others ; and who doth that daily doth perform the greatest good to himself as he can desire or wish for . ’
2 ‘ Bringing all this together has required a great deal of planning , co-operation between numerous organisations and many long hours of work , ’ he added .
3 Meanwhile , Saddam can claim that he alone has resisted the greatest military power in the world plus allies for longer than any Arab states ever resisted Israel , or anybody .
4 I know they are all going to get a great deal out of this experience , I am deeply grateful for all the help that is being given them , they have had such a worrying time , I do not think one of them could have had a holiday this year without help , but I have faith to think it will be a good investment for the WEA .
5 Cnut himself perhaps wanted to commemorate a great victory .
6 This does not necessarily mean spending a great deal of money on it , but careful and considerate planning of the whole day .
7 Nearly all Sir Walter 's monuments of pride have disappeared , but enough remains to commemorate the great event .
8 ‘ She 's only trying to make a great deal of money , ’ said Constance .
9 The well bubbled into a tributary of the Moy , but unfortunately it had been hemmed in by modern concrete and so had lost a great deal of its charm .
10 But they have written to one another for ten years , hardly knowing why , and perhaps have found the greater satisfaction in it because it is a luxury , not the fulfilment of a need .
11 He had thus had achieved the greatest practicable measure of independence without squandering resources on strategic missile development .
12 I just remember having a great time and then feeling tired and going off and having a sleep .
13 By that time , of course , he would already have effected a great many ministerial and policy changes , but there would still have been sufficient sense of novelty about everything he touched to have ensured his eventual victory at the polls .
14 The Democratic Party 's presidential candidate , veteran dissident Kim Dae Jung , was widely thought to pose the greatest threat to Kim Young Sam 's chances of victory .
15 The turner still has to hold a great juddering chisel in his hands and relies on a good eye and a steady hand to ensure a true cut .
16 All rabbits carry fleas and it is most significant that does , as the result of being in recent contact with a nest , always appear to have the greatest infestations .
17 This self-confessedly wilful boy always contrived to have a great deal of his own way and seemed able to follow his bent whenever the weather permitted .
18 Certainly the letters he had written home had made no great fuss about the child 's death .
19 The elephant not only pipped dolphin and tiger to the post to emerge as overall winner , but also seemed to attract the greatest loyalty in voters .
20 Modem glass also tends to contain a greater range of other metals such as arsenic and zinc .
21 I 'd also like to add a great thanks to the retiring executive committee for all the hard work that they 've done during the past year .
22 In real life , of course , you would probably have to master a great deal more information , including details of the premises and the personal particulars of all the key staff .
23 But whatever those proposals may be , schools now will have the opportunity of opting out , and I think it 's a fair guess that if the opting out legislation had been in place when comprehensive education was imposed upon this county in 1964 , you would probably have found a great number of the grammar schools would have opted out , using the legislation , and I have no doubt whatsoever that in every single one of those cases you would have had a large majority of parents in support of that .
24 As in other US industries technical change was more extensive and rapid than in Britain so that the importance of introducing technical innovation also helps to explain the greater hostility of US employers to ( craft-type ) unions .
25 A number of explanations have been put forward to account for the thick crust and high mean elevation of the Tibetan Plateau which also help to explain the great crustal shortening indicated by the post-collision convergence of the Indian and Eurasian Plates .
26 We also had to learn a great deal of poetry by heart — poetry which I can still recall all these years later .
27 I had not originally intended to make a great issue of the fact , but it is true to say that the pressure groups that study these matters in great detail are incensed at the way in which the orders have been introduced .
28 Judged against this standard , many of our towns now seem to leave a great deal to be desired . ’
29 ‘ Graphic designers are often asked to do a great deal in a comparatively short space of time , ’ acknowledges Peter Brigg , ‘ but that 's because there 's often no substitute for the printed document .
30 These documents — student records and timetables — often have to carry a great deal of information including complex messages and progress summaries .
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