Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj] as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm writing a report on her former colleague , because suspicions have been voiced that she is the agent of some foreign power — though , I hasten to add , I personally regard this as nonsense , and am convinced he died simply because she somehow …
2 Not as crazily experimental as Celtic Frost , not as overtly grunge fixated as Obituary , but for sheer controlled power , Cerebral Fix scoop the lot .
3 Not as crazily experimental as Celtic Frost , not as overtly grunge fixated as Obituary , but for sheer controlled power , Cerebral Fix scoop the lot .
4 Worse , when resentment over exploitation is recognized , how did it ever get reinterpreted as illness ?
5 Badgers ' coats are also getting thicker as winter approaches and this put them at risk from diggers who sell their pelts to unscrupulous collectors .
6 I was about to contact the American lawyer acting for the defendants , Mr William Rogers ( later to become famous as Secretary of State under Nixon ) , when the telephone rang and it was the New York Times enquiring when I was going to meet him .
7 The napkin now weighed heavy as death in my hands .
8 The nation-state is inevitably becoming weaker as power goes both up to Europe and down to regions and districts , but it has a long life yet , and the British people have many uses for it .
9 The band , made up of sophisticated London rich boys , never really looked happy as teen heart-throbs .
10 Philip 's comments provide an ironic commentary on other ( younger ? ) readers who identify strongly with the B. A. He suggests the possibility of using the text to bolster the male reader 's own claims to superhuman strength even as he simultaneously dismisses this as fantasy .
11 This is because our movements slowly become stereotyped as life goes on and we tend to move in a way that feels ‘ right ’ to us .
12 In Glasgow Gamble had attended the lectures of the chemist William Cleghorn , as part of the medical training then considered proper as preparation for a minister .
13 The notion that British spectators would be bored by a regular diet of ‘ continental ’ football ( whatever that means : ‘ patient ’ , I suppose ) once again appeared fatuous as play flowed from end to end without too much of the cynical tackling that used to ruin the Spanish game .
14 By 1986 he had reverted to freelancing on several national newspapers and magazines before joining the newly launched Independent as rock critic .
15 Not simply was he mentioned , as men may well have been in the prayers of intercession , but he was actively made present as lord of the situation .
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