Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It swiftly became apparent that congress would not go along with such an increase , especially after the big Democratic gains in the 1974 elections .
2 He remained with Champneys until 1880 , but it soon became clear that architecture would never be his chief preoccupation .
3 It soon became clear that breach of confidence was actionable per se , and did not require a contractual relationship between the parties .
4 Antall had already made clear that privatization measures would be a top priority to promote the transition to a free market economy , and that Hungary would seek to honour its debt repayments to maintain the confidence of the international financial community .
5 In 590 it further became apparent that bishop Egidius of Rheims had been involved in Rauching 's plot , and he was deposed from his see .
6 For heavy goods , especially of timber and stone , it still seems likely that water transport , by river and sea and a little by canal , was cheaper and more expeditious than long-distance travel by road — and that there was sense as well as sentiment , for example , in the devotion the Norman builders showed in England for their native stone from Caen .
7 It is also becoming clear that case management is often effected by the service context , so that , like other service components , it may work less well in poorly resourced areas , and better when it is an integral part of a well resourced network of services .
8 It also seems likely that unemployment and other social problems contributed further to the view that Labour offered the only alternative to the failures of capitalism — no matter how illusory that viewpoint may have been .
9 No doubt both tendencies arose in part because the voters themselves became more strongly partisan at that time ; but it also seems likely that television became more strictly impartial ( thereby offending both Labour and Conservative partisans more ) while the press became more stridently partisan ( Chapter 6 ) .
10 It has also become clear that dreaming is by no means confined to REM sleep ( see Chapter 5 ) , so even if the theory was correct , the regime of REM sleep deprivation would not have been an adequate test of it .
11 At the same time , ‘ real ’ people have also become aware that fad and fashion diets do n't deal with the basic problem most of us face : to eat healthily and enjoyably all the time , while maintaining a sensible weight .
12 The virtue of this control/constraint approach is that while laying due emphasis on the significance of management power , it also makes clear that management control is not an absolute .
13 Other options include soups like consommés , and wonderful vegetable soups — though make sure that cream is not included .
14 But having given Labour false hopes , will the media now make sure that Labour suffers from false despair ?
15 It now looks likely that pension schemes will only have to backdate any equalisation of benefits between men and women to those in service on or after 17 May 1990 .
16 Although the concept of tumour cells producing degradative enzymes is appealing , particularly in the light of Liotta 's three step theory of invasion , it is now becoming clear that production and regulation of metalloproteinases in health is a delicate host derived balance .
17 If it now seems self-evident that monitoring of the global environment is necessary , indeed is even vital , the prediction of what is likely to happen is almost as important : the 170 000 people in the Maldives are understandably worried about the prospect of global sea-level change since no part of the islands is more than 2 m above present sea-level !
18 These have dramatically altered and of course improved archaeologists ' knowledge about the duration of various episodes within pre-history , and it now seems possible that archaeology , and particularly prehistoric archaeology , will eventually have a dated historical sequence as clear as that used by historians .
19 Many say that the donkeys from Poitou in France are particularly suitable for siring mules , perhaps because they are particularly large , but it now seems doubtful that size is of any special virtue in obtaining the hybrid .
20 It therefore seemed possible that referral rates would be higher among fundholders than among control practices in the year before the introduction of budgets , but that fundholders ' NHS referral rates would then fall .
21 It therefore seems conceivable that susceptibility to both type I and type II diabetes is determined during gestation or infancy in response to nutrition , and research should respond with a new focus on early events .
22 This is the principle behind the commonly expressed half-truth that grass benefits by being grazed ( or mown ) .
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