Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well there could be a whole range of different therapies that would be appropriate , depending on on the individual needs of the persons involved , erm but certainly in in a therapeutic situation erm one is able to establish a relationship with another caring adult that can readdress those erm perhaps foundations in the personality that were not able to develop appropriately in their early childhood .
2 From her reclining position , Mrs Keith still took a controlling interest in the household , but with only Jim in the house and two farmhands in the hut , Tina had become used to being in charge .
3 He was intelligent enough to realize that his father would never allow him much freedom in the business and so he started his own training centre at Heald Grove , Rusholme .
4 Nowadays , only clubs in the Football League , the Vauxhall Conference and the Beazer Homes and Diadora Leagues can enter the Senior Cup .
5 A Roman catholic ethos is not only present in the constitution of 1937 but has penetrated into affairs of state , legislation , and decisions over the destinies of individuals with frequency .
6 For David , Lyn , Heidi , who 's 18 , and her younger sister Carla , 10 , Danny is still very much present in the home .
7 To check clash , only entities in the interference zone need be selected , thus a minimum amount of data is converted , and displayed on the user 's workstation .
8 In fact only about thirty or so states in the world today regularly hold competitive elections and of these only a small number provide an outcome in which one party forms the government .
9 But they were only hammers in a sense .
10 Sun and HP then secretly allied , bringing together expertise in the operating system and user interface respectively .
11 In 1920 , the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified , having reached the necessary three-quarters support among the State Legislatures : as figure 5.4 shows , however , all of the recalcitrant Legislatures were in the country 's southeast , with only Tennessee in the area of the Confederacy voting for the Amendment .
12 Three principal features distinguished the 17 malignant from the 53 benign strictures in this series : ( 1 ) appearance late in the course of ulcerative colitis ( 61% probability of malignancy in strictures that develop after 20 years of disease v 0% probability in those occurring before 10 years ) ; ( 2 ) location proximal to the splenic flexure ( 86% probability of malignancy v 47% in sigmoid , 10% in rectum , and 0% in splenic flexure and descending colon ) ; and ( 3 ) symptomatic large bowel obstruction ( 100% probability of malignancy v only 14% in the absence of obstruction or constipation ) .
13 They were only silhouettes in the dusk .
14 Who needs wheel spats that collect debris and make it difficult to maintain the brakes , particularly when the engine is only 160hp in an airframe capable of taking 250 ?
15 He restricted his investigation to the 2,200 or so words in the LDOCE core vocabulary , and took the sense definitions as the textual units over which to collect co-occurrence data .
16 Contrary to popular belief , recent studies reveal that wood ( especially firewood in the shape of logs rather than small twigs and branches ) has become so scarce that in many villages only the rich can afford to buy it .
17 As cricket activity wound down during the first two years of the war the Otago CA was finding Crawford to be an expensive acquisition , with only £103 in the Coach 's Fund and £169 being paid out for a six-month period .
18 For example , a 20% fall in profits can be translated into a fall of only 10% in the PRP pool .
19 There are n't enough biscuits ; you can have tea and coffee in the morning but only tea in the afternoon ; no-one knows where the switches are or how the equipment works ; and so on .
20 The incident is a more extreme example of a common enough practice in the development of a new popular style for royalty .
21 SCOTVEC supports developments which allow greatly flexibility in the achievement of qualifications and has formulated a policy on APL which states the criteria which centres have to satisfy before they can be approved to offer an APL service .
22 There was perhaps compensation in the possibility of supplementing income by gathering firewood , poaching , or growing produce , although the real possibilities of this kind can be exaggerated .
23 They were not required to escort prisoners from court or to other prisons , this being a police responsibility in India , so during the day there might be 70 or so warders in the prison at any one time .
24 Some of them are big beds and some of them are , only girl in the world who is , do you think she do that , .
25 The statute only vests in the agency ( with some exceptions ) the state-owned assets of such former state enterprises which have already been converted into companies ; further , such part of the equity of other companies which was vested in the state before coming into force of the statute of conversion and which are still in state ownership ; finally , assets remaining in state ownership after the liquidation of state enterprises and any other assets which are from time to time vested in the agency by separate legislation or a resolution of parliament .
26 The tax-raising powers of such an assembly , which are referred to coyly by Opposition Members as being only marginal , would , even if they raised only 2p in the pound , cost a single man on average wages £4.72 per week .
27 At the early end of parenting women can spend literally years in a state of near exhaustion , which for them can make sexual relations very unattractive .
28 Even though Windows NT has not yet been released , 37% of the 1,000 or so participants in a Dun survey at UniForum believe NT will offer benefits not yet available under Unix .
29 Such a status quo includes not only officials in the bureaucracy but also most elected politicians , together with a variety of supporting organizations , such as the churches , professional bodies and the media .
30 TWO of Britain 's top building societies have slashed their mortgage rates to below 5% in an attempt to clear their backlog of repossessed homes .
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