Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] 's [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Looking back over this year 's first round matches , obviously Germany 's defeat in Rio by Brazil , amid what can only be described as typical South American frenzy and excitement , was the biggest shock and one which might even lead to repercussions not only by the ITF about crowd behaviour in some parts of the world but also from within the disgruntled German camp .
2 Right O K yeah that 's the other major erm feature is that agriculture 's share of world trade has declined and manufacturing er share of world trade has increased and I 've got some er some numbers here erm so it says before the first world war agriculture 's share of world trade was over fifty percent , today it is less than fourteen percent okay , so agriculture 's share in world trade is declining and has been declining er essentially over the the last sort of seventy years or so .
3 So labour 's share in the value of manufacturing output rose from 72 per cent in 1960 to 80 per cent in 1964 .
4 Obviously Wordsworth 's performance in his studies at school must have been outstanding for him to have started off at Cambridge with such a lead , and it is hardly surprising that in the college examination in 1787 he was placed in the first class .
5 So Phormio 's action in making the alliance , though only a pawn penetration , was an offensive move against Corinth deep in her own , Adriatic , side of the colonial chess-board ; and it was perhaps defensively conceived with an eye to a further-flung Corinthian colony , Syracuse .
6 Perhaps Lehmann 's confidence in his work acted as a spur .
7 New appointees were : as Finance Minister , Mihaly Kupa ( an economist who , under the former " reform communist " regime , helped draft the first income tax system in Eastern Europe ) ; and as Ministers without portfolio Ernö Pungor ( head of the state office for technology development and of the national nuclear energy committee ) , Katalin Botos ( hitherto Rabar 's deputy in her post as State Secretary for Finance ) , and Andras Galszecsy ( who took over from Boross responsibility for the state security services ) .
8 For the time being , notice that on two occasions , Carol interrupts the flow of her own talk , trying to remember when a particular event took place — and on both occasions her self-interruption is in LE , interrupting a Creole sequence : Thus Carol 's talk in this conversation can be analysed as making use of two distinct codes , " Creole " and " English " , between which she moves systematically from time to time .
9 Thus Hanson 's role in redeploying industrial assets can be helpful .
10 Attlee , had he won the 1935 election , would have taken exactly Baldwin 's line in substance , but at that stage in his career would have done so without assurance or persuasiveness .
11 Joe Carr had given Jarrow the lead at half time , with Michael Taylor levelling the scores before Norman Platts shot home Silksworth 's winner in the 87th minute .
12 One could say that Cristofori 's action , and therefore also Stein 's action in his vis-a-vis piano , are inverted down-striking actions .
13 However , less flattering reports were beginning to reach the Mission School and also Vincent 's family in Etten .
14 It was partly Szarkowski 's influence in the early 60s , which broadened collectors ' minds to the idea of buying photographs which were other than self-consciously fine art .
15 Most of the new novelists , in fact , set out to portray in their works the social reality of their respective countries , and some novels — notably Carpentier 's Explosion in a Cathedral , García Márquez 's One Hundred Years of Solitude and Vargas Llosa 's The War of the End of the World — are continental in scope , reflecting the reality of Latin America as a whole .
16 The ducal retainer James Charleton of Riccall was probably introduced to Gloucester 's service by the Fitzhughs , while Geoffrey Franke of Escrick ( later Gloucester 's receiver in the northern Neville lands ) belonged to a family which had Lovell as well as Neville links .
17 The ducal retainer James Charleton of Riccall was probably introduced to Gloucester 's service by the Fitzhughs , while Geoffrey Franke of Escrick ( later Gloucester 's receiver in the northern Neville lands ) belonged to a family which had Lovell as well as Neville links .
18 ( It was inaugurated with Il Podestà di Colognole ossia La Tancia by Jacopo Melani ( 1626–76 ) , a comic opera with some broadly comic , as well as much beautiful music , e.g. Ciapino 's aria in Act II where he imitates in turn the frog , cricket , lamb , owl , and cock . )
19 Even Wordsworth 's residence in the Lake District , a non-profit-making area compared to , say , Manchester , and his initial attempt to live off the profession of poetry , represent a challenge to the age .
20 All girls together we may be in here , but she knows full well Lil 's position in the corporate hierarchy .
21 Equally Leudast 's position in Tours was closely connected with changing royal control of the city .
22 However , even Iran 's interest in CENTO dwindled in the 1970s and the Pact finally collapsed at the end of the decade when both Iran and Pakistan withdrew .
23 Only Paul Smith and Colin Harvey ( I thought his full-time job as Howard Kendall 's assistant at Everton would have kept him too busy to put pencil and crayon to paper ! ) got close to producing something workable , but even Smithy 's attempt in green would have fallen foul to Mr Clough 's watchful eye .
24 Penny , 29 , then ITN 's woman in Moscow , flew back to her post at once .
25 There was a crackle , then Maurice 's voice in mid-sentence : ‘ — this is all about . ’
26 Indeed HMI 's influence in the debate has been cumulative , insistent and strong : it began with a briefing paper from Sheila Browne , the Senior Chief HMI , at the time of the Callaghan Ruskin speech , which on a political front launched a debate on education which seemed to run and run , until it was brought to an unexpected denouement and an abrupt closure with the Education Reform Act of 1988 .
27 Part of its inspiration was indeed Haynes 's outlet in Edinburgh , and Miles was the man left minding the store .
28 Then Auguste 's presence in the small lounge caught her attention .
29 Then I understood more fully Frankenstein 's quest in the storm of the previous night !
30 She was continuously anxious lest Mitzi upset coffee all over them both — the coffee-cups being very small , and seeming almost doll 's size in Mitzi 's hands .
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