Example sentences of "[pers pn] came out with [art] " in BNC.

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1 I came out with a show before the war , and stayed on . ’
2 When I came out with the next platitude ( ‘ How are you ? ’ ) they lifted and turned towards me .
3 I came out with the awful truth today to the lads .
4 But I came out with an O level !
5 I mean you came out with a wonderful statement when you were advertising this programme .
6 She came out with a Christmas cactus .
7 The maid had cleared away , and now she came out with a jug of wine and two glasses .
8 And they three came out with honours and she came out with a commended .
9 It is not too much to say that we entered the conference in the law and atmosphere of the 17th century and we came out with a fair prospect of 20th century conditions . '
10 Er I was in the market and we came out with a machine that produced lager from top tap worker .
11 We came out with a record recently called ’ no matter who you vote for the Government always gets in ’
12 In 1914 Boccioni wrote : ‘ We were aware of Cubism as it had been publicized in France in articles and books when we came out with the technical manifesto of Futurist painting ( 11 April 1910 ) and with our first exhibition at the Bernheim Gallery ( 6 February 1912 ) . ’
13 After considerable discussion they came out with the word " numinous " .
14 He came out with a wonderful phrase which has stayed with me over the years .
15 He came out with a fantastic shot , but it screwed off to the right of the green , and went down oft the mound instead of falling in towards the flag .
16 Thomas and Znaniecki 's study was very carefully reviewed by Blumer in 1949 and he came out with a number of general criticisms of the research in which the authors used letters , a wide variety of documents and Wladek 's autobiography as data to illustrate their theoretical propositions .
17 Swallowing his pride , he came out with a proposal .
18 He came out with a a a biscuit covered in desiccated coconut .
19 WHEN Alan Fennah opened his mail he came out with the classic One Foot In The Grave line : ‘ I do not believe it ! ’
20 It came out with a sickening plop and a gushing gout of blood .
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