Example sentences of "[pers pn] went back to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first time I went back to a lake where I used to go as a child .
2 To make sure of the facts I went back to a 1985 Wireless World ( May & June ) series to read up and it seems you are completely correct .
3 Now if the Labour group had moved a widening of erm the sort of provision in our elderly persons homes , I could have understood that , because we did n't have real figures , we could not get hold of real figures , every time I went back to a local party meeting , to the Labour group , to any other member they said , do you realise this home has this number of vacancies and your report says that number .
4 By early evening , I was just too bored to stick the place any longer so I went back to the hotel .
5 I went back to the porch and hid my night bag behind a headstone and then left for another long walk to Harwich .
6 The following morning at nine o'clock I went back to the coffee shop , just to show that I was still around .
7 I remember I went back to the ambulance feeling quite horrified .
8 I went back to the States and was going to cut my swathe in society in Washington .
9 I went back to the guy and said , ‘ Look , go away and find a bright young archaeologist , preferably female . ’
10 I went back to the cash point in the wall .
11 I went back to the dining car to find Oliver and Cathy laying the tables for dinner , and I helped them automatically , although they said I need n't .
12 So I went back to the car and got my torch .
13 I picked out notes where he had just screwed up totally , but then I went back to the beginning again and realised that the whole song was just shifted .
14 Then I went back to the basics again … but I think all guitarists go through that , do n't they ? ’
15 ‘ No , and in ‘ 77 I went back to the States — to Austin , Texas .
16 I went back to the Maggot 's foul house , where he kept his killer dog and astonishing collection of guns , and we sat on his makeshift verandah that overlooked a noxious and polluted creek and shared a few whiskies as he told me an incredibly tedious tale of how he had once sacked the quarterback of the San Francisco Sugar Plums .
17 I went back to the bedroom to be with my baby , ’ said 28-year-old Curtis .
18 Leaving Joy to help Miss Prescott with what are called the last offices ( Joy is also a trained nurse ) , Alan and I went back to the house and between us brought the coffin down from the loft .
19 I went back to the Knitmaster with a 302 , then a 321 and through the gamut until I had one of the first Electronic 500 models ; still with that , I bought a push button Brother for the lace , then the 840 , and 910 and finally the 950i — now I have that and the Passap Duomatic 80 .
20 I went back to the country earlier this year on a human-rights delegation , with no political affiliations .
21 I told the co-pilot to take over and I went back to the radio room and saw Charlie with blood all over his head and the front of his flight suit ’ .
22 So I went back and see the baby in the incubator and then I went back to the ward .
23 I went back to the picture .
24 I went back to the farm building , smoked a cigarette and got changed .
25 It was now early July , and I went back to the Usk to film the silver-grey mink .
26 Anyway , I went back to the council — they said it was n't too bad , but I refused to take it .
27 But erm I stopped there till the war was finished and then er I went back to the Lock and as asked them if th there was any chance of coming back to work there , you know , cos and er they said oh yes , as long as you like .
28 I went back to the beginning and started over , but had n't come to any conclusion when I reached the sign telling me that the Florabelle served the thickest steak in five counties .
29 Then I went back to the bar , bought two drinks and a pack of Old Favourites and carried the lot to a booth table .
30 He hung up and I went back to the salon .
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