Example sentences of "[pers pn] might have [been] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would probably still be running anyway , but the Veteran scene has kept me motivated when I might have been just drifting around with my running .
2 Did you think I might have been here then ? ’
3 Well I said I would go , but I might have been like un-elected
4 If your father 's reputation were the beginning and the end of the matter , I might have been less intransigent all along .
5 I think if it had been a ghost , if the girl had been transparent and headless , I might have been less astonished .
6 I might have been very different .
7 I might have been too if I was n't so new to the game , I suppose .
8 ‘ Is it any wonder that , while I might have been too hard-headed to accept what is happening to me , I could not deny I actually felt my heart give a tug that night ? ’
9 I might have been as good as you , and perhaps wiser .
10 ‘ If I 'd taken more trouble with economics I might have been more effective as Prime Minister .
11 Wiping them might have been enough for most people — but not for somebody who was trying to do card tricks . ’
12 She might have been here yesterday .
13 She might have been pretty once , but not any more .
14 If it had not been for the shamelessness of it , Wilson felt she might have been sorely tempted to exploit this extraordinary advantage .
15 Otherwise you might have been much more badly hurt . ’
16 You might have been seriously ill , ’ she said .
17 You might have been once , but not since you were about seventeen , I 'll bet , ’ he gritted , and his head came down .
18 It occurred to me that we might have been equally misinformed about other things the Germans did .
19 Had the interviewers encouraged in our minds the right attitude towards the politicians — total scepticism — we might have been less interested in watching their interminable television programmes .
20 Our lives are miserable as we remember times when we might have been kinder , we might have been more loving , less impatient .
21 Still we might have been very different .
22 Had they known how rare such a commodity was in a woman 's college at that date , they might have been even more astonished , but in a sense , looking round Flora 's room , with its bright scatter cushions and Picasso prints and posters for plays at the ADC , with its invitations on the mantelpiece , with its gas fire and clutter of old shoes , with its romantic piles of what looked like lecture notes and essays , with its candle in a pewter stick and its wilting rose in a vase , they were beyond astonishment .
23 Smugglers , escaped convicts , drenched fishermen , or they might have been just watching the storm , voyeuristically curious to see a boat break up in choppy water .
24 In some ways those days when she had lived in Paula 's shadow seemed a very long time ago , in others they might have been just yesterday .
25 ‘ I was told there was a possibility they might have been here yesterday , ’ he explained , carefully avoiding glancing at Ronni .
26 However , Lithuania are n't going to be as dangerous as they might have been as several of their top stars did n't make the trip .
27 They might have been very good , but they have n't given you this new life , this new birth John , er Nicodemus , you 've got to be born again .
28 At last the Barracks loomed into sight , and if anyone had been peeping from the window at that unsociable hour , they might have been hard put to distinguish which was the boy and which the shadow .
29 The ninety acres of entrancing if formalized beauty of the park , crossed by paths so convenient that they might have been purposefully designed to lead from one centre of power to another , must , he thought , have heard more secrets than any other part of London .
30 BY THE time they got to Woodstock they might have been half a million strong , but give them a few days in the mud and they 'd soon wandered off into an acid daze looking for luxuries like a toilet , somewhere to sleep and a decent tofu burger .
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