Example sentences of "[pers pn] 'm [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm busting at the legs man .
2 I 'm shouting at the 4th one not to do them so tight because I could n't move my fingers and they just told me to shut my mouth and go quietly .
3 I 'm stood at the tee throwing the clubs up in the air and whooping away and he just turns to me and says , ‘ Do n't get too excited , Jacky .
4 I 'm suprised at the lack of SCUM bashing on the server .
5 Your letter arrived early last week — Tuesday — and I picked it up as I was on my way out of the guest house where I 'm staying at the moment .
6 I 'm staying at the Hilton .
7 I 'm staying at the Windrush — along the coast . ’
8 I 'm staying at the Hôtel d'Angleterre .
9 I 'm staying at the Shelbourne .
10 ‘ So you might like to know , ’ he said , studiedly casual , ‘ that I 'm staying at the Plaza . ’
11 I 'm staying at the Ca ’ del Leone , a palazzo on the Grand Canal . ’
12 I 'm staying at the Hilton , and — ’
13 ‘ If you should change your mind , I 'm staying at the Holiday Inn .
14 I 'm staying at the farmhouse — last year I lodged in the village . ’
15 I think you 're only talking about redundancies if we ca n't erm take some short term work from elsewhere , er as opposed to , I mean , I 'm suggesting at the moment we take stock a longer time
16 I 'm stopping at the Red Lion for a pint .
17 This will be my last N C V O , A G M as a member of staff since I 'm leaving at the end of January , to become Chief Executive of Arthritis Care .
18 I 'm looking at the framed portraits of the stars : Anna Neagle , Liz Taylor , Dirk Bogarde , hand coloured like the photographs that Mr Fuller tints , an elderly artist who lives across the road from my grandparents .
19 At first , cos I 'm looking at the baby , I do n't see who the lady is .
20 I 'm looking at the partnership agreement now … trm , trm , trm , here we are — death in partnership — well , it dissolves the partnership , course it does , but what happens to the money ?
21 I 'm looking at the ceiling/With a lonely feeling , ’ murmurs singer Mark at one point , which says a lot , really .
22 I 'm looking at the fire , ’ said Lydia .
23 I 'm looking at the helpful assessment provided by Selby in A seven double O four .
24 So sorry I 'm looking at the wrong the wr that is the southern bypass .
25 Now just to clarify in my mind about , here I 'm looking at the summary of your submission , you actually refer to the fact that sixty three hectares are required to meet the needs of the city , whereas I take it you say this morning that you 're happy with the forty six , er but in reality you can only get thirty three ac thirty three hectares within the city .
26 Er in so much as I mean I must admit with these increases , I appreciate your need to get the extra profits and I 'm looking at the ones where I think we can push them to get a bit more .
27 He told the Echo today : ‘ Hopefully I 'm looking at the best year of my life .
28 I ask these questions because of course article five of the treaty of Rome basis a burden on this court , it does n't er create rights in itself , I think everyone agrees with this , but it certainly er imposes a duty on this court erm to apply with er community laws , purposes and principals and I 'm wondering whether erm , that , that is why I 'm looking at the possible consequences of this er the inter relationship between the , for example , the directive and article eighty five , er and bearing in mind as I said to Mr the other day , the consequences erm of er these fees
29 one I 'm not sure it is , unless I 'm looking at the wrong
30 I 'm looking at the
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