Example sentences of "[pers pn] do not know [det] " in BNC.

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1 I do not know much about gods ; but I think that the river
2 I feel I do not know all the secrets of your heart .
3 I do not know this vast army of women who disintegrate at menopause , nor the hordes who scrabble blindly for their lost youth .
4 And , as you frequently remind me , I do not know enough of the wicked world in which I live — so one might consider the Clarion Cry a useful means by which to educate me . ’
5 I do not know any other way to express it .
6 However , I do not know any other human being who believes this to be possible in principle .
7 I do not know any more cheering mark of the increased philanthropy of our own times , than to contrast our domestic architecture with that of our ancestors , and to see how much better servants and poor are cared for at present .
8 I do not know any other politician or statesman who would have acted with such speedy decision without stopping to think of the possible consequences to himself or what people might think about his intervention on behalf of an alleged terrorist .
9 I do not know any social class which lives so completely without ideas of any kind …
10 You can begin to find this out by using an ANNALS , which functions as a short-cut summary of historical facts if you do not know much about a text 's historical background .
11 ‘ But then , you do not know any better . ’
12 Unfortunately if you do not know this there is not much else that you can know either , it seems .
13 We do not know much about Newcomen 's early work .
14 Usually we do not know all the sites , and we do not know if they were all contemporary or only used seasonally .
15 We do not know all the scientific nuances of the problem .
16 And I do not know of any other argument , not relying on PC k , which Nozick could use to show that we do not know we are not brains in a vat without showing that we do not know most other things either .
17 We have forgotten how to read the winds or easily find directions from the stars ; we do not know any more how to read the landscape , and you , Creggan , can not recognize friend from enemy among our own kind .
18 They argue that we do not know enough to develop meaningful theories of psychological processes and relegate theories to the level of intellectual devices for stimulating experimentation .
19 We do not know enough to claim that they as consciously intend the means , the specific actions and speeches they produce to accomplish such a social act .
20 The rise of spirit smuggling , gin , rum and brandy , reflects an increase in national consumption , but we do not know enough to suggest that the drinking culture was changing in the countryside and in the small towns .
21 Many of the difficulties children get into as they begin to explore the immediate environment of their home happen because they do not know enough to realize what will occur if they , for example , put their hands in a rose bush or pick up a shining splinter of glass .
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