Example sentences of "[pers pn] out into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I said I 'd think about bringing you out into the field with me .
2 You fire up the engine on the starter button and the mechanic waves you out into the pit lane and you realize that the overall purpose of a racing car 's design is that you should feel a pure sense of yourself in propulsion .
3 Some of the men carried you out into the light in the gallery . ’
4 Four troopers had them by the arms and were hustling them out into the coach .
5 Then he dragged them out into the cockpit , making one corner fast to the main sheet winch on the cabin roof and one to the starboard jib winch .
6 ‘ I would just take them out into the park behind the studios , no matter what the weather .
7 They scarcely knew the man — and , no doubt , curiosity was one of the things which brought them out into the streets to see him .
8 But through , through erm the period , particularly after campaigns in nineteen forty one , forty two , you , you , you 've got a l a lot of people coming into the Party , then they 've all been instilled with the spirit , you can then send them out into the villages .
9 He forces open the door and lets them out into the night .
10 By imparting his enthusiasm to his pupils , impressing them most earnestly with the importance of their calling , he sent them out into the world with a store of self-respect which greatly contributed to uphold their position , and gave them an impetus to endeavour to raise its standard , which was often crowned with the most happy success ’ .
11 With a sound that seemed full of pain and anger and disgust , he picked up the poker and quickly raked them out into the hearth .
12 I followed them out into the car park and sat , miserably , in the back of Quigley 's car as , in a mood of forced cheerfulness , we drove towards the Quigleys ' house behind Mrs Danby 's Rolls .
13 John Goold , a research student from the University of North Wales , said there had been a remarkable development when one of the whales broke away from the other five as they attempted to usher them out into the Pentland Firth for the second time .
14 ‘ That night , they took me out into the desert and beat me .
15 When Ted took me out into the sea , we had fifty fish
16 He led me out into the snow and we crossed the island towards the beach .
17 I used to try and get him out into the country in the car .
18 Father Peter handed them their cloaks , taking his own from a wooden peg , and they followed him out into the cold .
19 At home this meant putting him out into the hall of the bungalow ( where there were no stairs ) .
20 Senga took her brother 's hand and led him out into the hall .
21 Sometimes the violent power of the Spirit is seen in almost physical terms , as when the Spirit of the Lord entered into Ezekiel and set him on his feet , or lifted him up , or brought him out into the valley ( Ezek. 2:2 , 3:12 , 37:1 ) .
22 I sipped cocoa , and wondered how and when I would be able to turn him out into the night again .
23 As the boatmen rowed him out into the middle of Sydney harbour , his piper played a lament at the stem and John stood at the prow in full dress uniform , with his sword held high .
24 Without comment , she marched past him out into the sunlight while she still could .
25 The path brought him out into the rest of the grounds .
26 And this spirit continues with Jesus thereafter , it descended on him at baptism , it drove him out into the wilderness to be tempted and so on .
27 She was not like the Glasgow woman , who had shown him out into the street .
28 Strong hands turned him round and helped him out into the street again .
29 Strong hands turned Soapy round and helped him out into the street again .
30 As she followed him out into the sunshine , Sabine thought , I 'll ask him later , and pushed the memory of Antoinette 's venom to the furthest recesses of her mind .
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