Example sentences of "[pers pn] up [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Once you have let anybody in they 'd chop you up and put you in their next stew
2 If somebody calls you up and says something 's not working , always ask , well what did you change recently , and ninety five percent of the time , it 's that that 's the cause of the problems .
3 He would pick you up and squeeze you dry and discard you when you began to bore him .
4 All your licensed premises on your area had to be checked at least once a week ( in uniform ) and the sergeant would pick you up and take you visiting these various posts , and I used to take a glass of beer .
5 ‘ Meanwhile , why do n't I pick you up and take you out to dinner one evening ? ’
6 you know if you 're in this area or that area we 'll pick you up and take you home and the phone just does n't stop ringing
7 not taking her tablets when you 're feeling better we 'll come up and pick you up and take you out .
8 Then we 'll begin with some limbering-up exercises , to loosen you up and get you accustomed to the skis .
9 I thought I 'd ring you up and tell you .
10 He 'd eat you up and spit you out . ’
11 If they suss out that you 're a fanatical prospector they 'll have a great time winding you up and sending you off on a series of wild goose chases .
12 He rings you up and goes he goes hello it 's Jonathan and you go oh right hello Jonathan and he does n't say anything so you talk to him for about half an hour or so and then you go alright Jonathan , better go , you know and then he goes no no I 've got something to tell you and you go oh alright what is it then and he goes I ca n't remember it man , just talk to me for a bit longer and I 'll remember it then and it goes on like that for hours and hours and it 's so boring .
13 Never mind the boring breakbeat rubbish going around , this is the real story , which trips you up and hoses you down in a shower of sparkling special effects .
14 ‘ I 'm trying to control a wild urge to pick you up and carry you to my bedroom . ’
15 That 's alright , if you tread on my feet I 'll just pick you up and carry you then .
16 pick you up and meet you one evening .
17 I picked up a bag and jokingly said , ‘ If you do n't go we 'll bag you up and send you to Hull ’ .
18 ‘ Difficult ’ seemed to mean that your pimp had beaten you up and thrown you out , and you had no money for a fix and could n't stand up until you 'd had one .
19 But if you hit the canvas , Uncle Sam wo n't pick you up and dust you off .
20 ‘ Why did n't they tie you up or guard you or something ? ’
21 ‘ He does n't beat you up or rape you , does he ? ’ asked Tim .
22 It takes me longer to stitch them up than to knit them and , strange as it may seem , I like turning the heels .
23 Various things enclosed ; a not very good pic of my lovely curtains ; some photos taken in Hyde Park , London which are n't much good either , so feel free to cut them up or chuck them !
24 Particularly if there 's any suggestion that anything a bit like hypnosis has been used um this er business of of well it must be the therapist making them up or putting them up to it in some way becomes a particular argument that 's raised quite often .
25 However , both TA and IT are relatively complicated to master and you re recommended to let someone else set them up or run them for you unless you are really eager to advance your computer expertise .
26 Old people , in old people 's homes , sometimes regress to this stage , and they also can be observed to play with faeces and to wrap them up and present them as a gift .
27 The arbitrator 's decision is meant to be based on the other reasons , to sum them up and to reflect their outcome .
28 She tore them up and tossed them into the bin .
29 Take about three bananas , and cut them up and arrange them on a plate in four pieces to look like a monster .
30 No , I 'll I 'll I 'll ring them up and book it for eight .
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