Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [verb] the first " in BNC.

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1 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
2 I WILL by your kinda town ; I WILL host the first leg of this year 's most significant ‘ alternative ’ rock event , and I WILL send my splendid , scrubbed , windswept children to worship at the feet of its various missionaries .
3 BEFORE the Queen hosts the Edinburgh Summit dinner on the Royal Yacht Britannia this evening , she will visit the first exhibition of the European Parliament 's art collection , Twelve Stars .
4 If they have upset you , perhaps they are hoping you will make the first move .
5 Repeat the process for squares 91 to 135 then 136 to 180 and you will have the first 38 rows of squares printed over the full 180 needles , complete with your colour key .
6 We will give the first 100 people who apply a FREE copy of our broadsheet on " Pesticides : Waging War on our Countryside " .
7 We will call the first of these the down-problem at node k and the second the up-problem at node k .
8 ‘ But we will have the first National Hunt racing on all-weather anywhere in the world at our first meeting ( Lingfield 's opening card is all Flat ) and we are also staging the first trials at racing pace on the new surface ( they take place on Sunday ) . ’
9 We will have the first sevens tournament in Prague in August and we hope to be able to organise sevens competitions before top soccer matches .
10 We are now evaluating the performance of wether lambs from the first cross to be finished under hill conditions , and we will use the first cross females for early lamb production without using sponges .
11 They will lease the first team pitch and clubhouse back from the buyers next season and expect to move to new premises in 1993 .
12 If the new arrangements are adequately funded and properly implemented , they will comprise the first major government initiative to foster care at home rather than in institutions .
13 They will sing the first Sega single , Super Sonic .
14 When the goslings hatch , they will recognize the first moving object they see as the creature to follow around for the next few weeks .
15 They will share the first prize of £500 , receive a framed copy of the Direct Banking logo and be invited to spend the day with the unit .
16 Then they will kill the first passenger . ’
17 Their desire to leave farming will simply be increased and they will seize the first opportunity to move .
19 The recommendation will be put by the ITF 's Rules of Tennis Committee to the Committee of Management in Paris in June and if accepted , it will travel to the Dominican Republic in September for presentation to the ITF Annual General Meeting , where , if it receives a ⅔ majority from delegates in attendance , it will become the first time that a new rule has been introduced since 1989 , when the tie break was standardised .
20 It will win the first division championship , just as my right hon. Friend will certainly win the next general election .
21 Hosted in London by the Institute of Marine Engineers , it will replicate the first class lunch menu on the day before the ship hit an iceberg .
22 Hewlett-Packard Co supporters club , the Precision RISC Organisation , says it will release the first PA RISC versions of its 88open-based testing tools by the third quarter of 1993 .
23 It will feature the first ever public demonstration of playing classical music on the piano ‘ with no hands ’ .
24 Italtel SpA is to install around 400,000 lines for Telecom Argentina SA over the next three years in a deal worth $600m : it says it will install the first 58,000 lines this year and the rest of them by 1996
25 Constable reckons it will have the first UK-published book on the Waco disaster .
26 He will forget the first question and reply to the salesperson 's later comment .
27 He will challenge and receive no answer , and he will join the first two .
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