Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [verb] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 If I went on like this , I would fulfil the gloomiest fears of Bill Baudelaire , the Brigadier and , above all , John Millington .
2 No the only , I would say personally , I would say the best dredging method is buckets because you can , you can keep a level , you could keep a level with a sucker dredger but not a ground dredger unless like grabbing out the hole .
3 Yes and and then when the lifeboat came , the Eday and and Sanday and them a lot of them came across for the dances , the lifeboat dances , it was really I would say the best time
4 We 've got a lot of different opinions there , I mean from my personal experience when I was a customer sales manager my , my students or particularly some of them , well I would say the brightest kind of people in the branch , and they had the most attention , and it 's very easy I think to write them off .
5 By writing for a national radio network , I would enjoy the best of both worlds .
6 What was more , it was in the highest degree unlikely that any protest of his would have the slightest effect in any matter relating to Hilary Frome .
7 She would make the best of these few days up here , work and yet take time to relax and most of all to forget Fernando Serra .
8 Then she would dress the youngest child .
9 Nutty privately thought she would have the worst score of the lot .
10 Still , it was true in the main , so for the few weeks she was to be in Venice she would take the greatest care to have as little to do with him as possible .
11 U unfortunately it 's not a perfect system because in relation to mineral applications , whilst as you would expect the largest fees are associated with the largest areas of er application for new mineral working and whilst it has to be admitted that those sorts of applications do take a lot of time in order to process them .
12 Unless your doctor were to go to the additional trouble of writing on the prescription that he meant exactly what he had written , and was forbidding the chemist to substitute , you would get the cheapest product .
13 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
14 From what has been said , we would expect the heaviest proportionate effects of the government 's many methods of reducing employment to fall on the North .
15 We would expect the best response from people who are re-evaluating their lives — a change of work , home or relationship — allowing their beliefs to be re-considered , ’ says Henry .
16 Then perhaps we would have the lowest crime rate in the world — instead of Saudi Arabia .
17 ‘ Now , Trevor , ’ Derek Carlisle confronted his colleague , ‘ we know that the President of the World faced a demand for higher salaries from our research workers ; that unless he came up with some incentive we would lose the best of those workers ; and that the increased contribution towards marioc manufacture would compete directly for Exchequer funds .
18 He wrung my hand for about five minutes and told me how much pleasure the meeting had given him , though God knows where he had extracted the pleasure from , and expressed the most fervent hope that we would become the firmest friends in the nearest possible future .
19 Those who said they would prefer the smallest possible instalments , spread over a long period , were most commonly people in lower socio-economic groups , people with current credit commitments , and people with whom the amount they said they would borrow ( if they borrowed money ) was relatively small .
20 Most ( 70 per cent ) said they would prefer the shortest possible repayment period , even if it meant large instalment payments .
21 They headed south-east from the city , the Ferrari moving as fast as the wind , following the ‘ Via Tuscolana ’ signs for Frascati where , Nicolo insisted , they would find the best white wine in the world .
22 They would drive the fastest , most perfectly balanced cars , fly in the fastest planes , live cushioned by every facility purchasable by great wealth .
23 Kuiken says that : " These animals are at the top of the food chain , so they would have the highest concentration of pollutants in their bodies .
24 By the time they 'd stowed everything in the boot of the Ferrari and driven to a hilltop where , Nicolo said , they would have the best view , the sun was a fiery ball low on the hills .
25 In the 18th century , examples were always set where they would have the greatest effect on the most travellers .
26 That is , they would have the worst jobs , occupying the positions of most danger against their old comrades .
27 Plugger promised to keep the pair for me until the day before I left so that they would have the shortest travelling time possible .
28 He would tell the rudest stories out loud , when he knew that Joan Sims was within earshot .
29 The 19 per cent who thought in 1987 he would make the best Prime Minister compares with 28 per cent today .
30 A total of 25.8pc now think he would make the best Prime Minister — up 0.8pc from July , while Mr Major 's rating has fallen again , from 17.7pc to 16.1pc .
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