Example sentences of "[pers pn] as she [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You would have spent the night in my arms , Caroline , ’ he caught her hands in one of his as she began to raise them , ‘ crying out my name as I touched you , begging me to take you over and over again , until finally the sun chased away the darkness . ’
2 The reader may be able to even feel concerned for her as she does seem to have a conscience .
3 Then he moved , and the hard strength of him dissolved the very bones within her as she lay dazzled beneath the forest sky .
4 Then Jezrael shivered again with the memory of the sick lust its touch had awoken in her as she lay dreaming .
5 He had glanced up at her as she 'd swept into his office , dressed in a pair of slim navy trousers and a plain navy top , her working gear , and told her , ‘ Take a seat .
6 His glance had never left her as she 'd tapped towards him across the mirror-like floor , dark eyes sweeping her from head to toe to take in her black high-heeled shoes , black stockings and the stark simplicity of the black wool dress skimming her knees , with a sardonic half-smile .
7 Again there was little chance to recognize the effect this considerable list of bereavements was having on her as she continued to take tranquillizers and look after her young children , often singlehanded .
8 Terence had tried to talk to her as she had gone to her car , then the fat one had cat-called like a teenage oaf .
9 He loves you , ’ said Comfort , and Julia believed her as she had believed her all those years before when Comfort had been urging her to fall in love with him .
10 The question surprised her as she had expected him to pick up on her insult .
11 Those were the broken spears and spinning , shattered wheels of chariots whose mournful death had so affected her as she had tried to protect Scathach from the Scald-crows .
12 The irony of the situation hit her as she began preparing a meal from the provisions she 'd brought with her .
13 Turmoil raged within her as she battled to find an answer to the seemingly insurmountable dilemma , and she raised her eyes to the grey skies as though a solution could be found there .
14 I could n't take my eyes off her as she swivelled to rinse the mud from her legs , then flexed her arms , swept back her hair to shake it , and the motion rippled through her body .
15 They broke into partly-paralysed Rosemarie Smith 's ground-floor flat and brutally attacked her as she tried to escape .
16 Chosen her as she sat drinking tea and eating chocolate biscuits and enjoying her small triumph .
17 Supporting her with his right arm , his left hand strayed from her breasts to her thigh , and from there slowly completed the journey to the mouth of the Cave of Sweet Mysteries , lingering long enough to find the little temple of Min and arouse him as she began to gasp for breath , her tongue making passionate sallies into his ear .
18 ‘ I thought I 'd left that behind , ’ she murmured to him as she began to mount the stairs .
19 He wondered , once , if she would weep for him as she had done for Ansaldo .
20 She allowed her fingers to roam , her eyes tightly shut , her mind vividly picturing him as she had seen him for the very first time .
21 Her eyes swept across his face , and suddenly she had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him that it was n't important at all , that she was , inside , what he 'd called a real woman , one who wanted a home and children to fill it , and most of all a husband , a man who would take her in his arms and kiss her until nothing mattered except him , kiss her as Nicolo had , make her want him as she 'd wanted Nicolo …
22 LUKE PERRY flashes a smile that sends teenage girls wild … and explains why his most famous fan , Madonna , will NOT be seeing as much of him as she 'd hoped .
23 Her eyes blazed back at him as she fought to contain her inner excitement .
24 Damn you , she wanted to say , suddenly hating him as she hated realising that while he had watched her reading from the Palmer & Pearson file that night — she had been oblivious that she had n't been wearing her spectacles — but not so him !
25 Clara liked it as she had liked everything that afternoon , but even as she stood there and admired , and heard the history of the lump of mosaic , and listened to Martin 's views on Candida 's view on the social connotations of goldfish , she began to feel a sense of overwhelming fatigue .
26 She had almost touched it as she had turned , and had seen again the blood on the sawdust and the fear and the faces staring .
27 She was only half-committed to the new idea herself , not nearly as sure about it as she had made out to Nails — heaven knows how they would fit in all that training , teaching three boys to ride !
28 At gunpoint , the woman walked slowly towards the main door , carefully adjusted the lock , and then slammed it as she ran to call police .
29 Cos every , cos really the should go direct to her , and it as she 's taken notice of you yet .
30 He had helped one woman with a pushchair and screaming infant on to a bus earlier , and she had gripped his hand tightly in hers as she had said thank you .
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