Example sentences of "[pers pn] as [pron] went [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Did he say anything to you as you went up to him ?
2 The cool of the garden greeted you as you went in with a breath as welcome as that of the north wind at the top of a house during the season of akhet .
3 Her conscience pricked her as she went on to lie , telling Elizabeth everything she wanted to hear .
4 They danced in front of her as she went up Long Field , following Joe and the horse and heaving old broad bean haulms into the cart .
5 Pascoe watched her as she went through to the bathroom .
6 But he followed her as she went out into the street and the brown heat of the day , which steamed off the hot stone setts and fresh horse dung .
7 It seemed to Alice that Jasper hardly saw her as he went off .
8 Some had children that are at an age where there might be a tendency towards vandalism , one of whom had been speedily dealt with by her when he attempted to slide down the oak bannister , kicking her as he went down .
9 They bumped into him as they went back through the wire and held a whispered council of war .
10 Nisodemus glared at him as he went on , ‘ Now , we really should be sending some of the women and children to the — ’
11 The CMHTs and SPOs operated without the benefit of a clear service philosophy for too long and had to invent it as they went along .
12 Arups worked out a method of cutting out the rusted iron in very small sections and strengthening it as they went along .
13 Fredrick taught his brother his technique in a short time and the two brothers worked side by side , often having long discussions about the technique , modifying it as they went along .
14 He probably revised it as it went along and his recurring use of various kinds of lists as a basis for the structure of the work may well reflect Dr Battie 's influence .
15 If I 'd suggested to Manuela that we murder someone , she would no doubt have gone along with it as she went along with everything else I suggested .
16 I patted it as I went by .
17 Maybe it had some bearing on Uncle Fred 's last words to me as I went off to do my National Service in the army .
18 As ever , little was done to conceal anything from me as I went in and out of the various rooms in which these gentlemen sat deep in discussion , and I thus could not avoid gaining a certain impression of the general mood at this stage of the proceedings .
19 The stink of the place hit me as I went in .
20 At one meeting a chairman blithely told me as he went on to the platform that they would have the National Anthem at the end , changing his mind without consulting me first .
21 Princess Anne smiled at me as she went by , or Perhaps it was just my imagination .
22 He watched them as they went in .
23 People glanced at them as they went by ; the ugly little scene they 'd played out had not gone unnoticed .
24 Keynes improvised the answers , and changed them as he went along .
25 He smiled at them as he went out .
26 The barbers would playfully wave to us as we went by , motioning towards their empty chairs .
27 We had reached the restaurant , and the gallery owner held the door open for us as we went in .
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