Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [been] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 I told him again how I had been reinforced in my belief that , whereas Germany seemed intent on war , Italy , while verbally identifying herself with the Axis , would clutch at any straw to evade participation , and that our policy should be to keep her out of it with every means in our power .
2 When I came to the Riding in 1960 I had been teaching in Leeds for five fairly empty years .
3 I think I must have been gradually going off into a faint when I suddenly thought of mother reading the telegram saying that I had been killed in action .
4 I had been dealing in coke to a very small circle of friends , not more than half a dozen .
5 I had been drinking in a bar with the sub-editor , who had become a friend .
6 It felt as if I had been living in a room with closed curtains , and all of a sudden its windows had been thrown open and the sun had come bursting in .
7 But back in Cuzco I had to fight to recall the strength I had found ; force myself to remember I had been lost in a sixty-million-year-old forest but had found the still centre .
8 I had been born in India , which was troublesome .
9 IN EXTRACTS from my forthcoming book , A Cuckoo in the Bodyline Nest , published in the May and June issues of WCM , I wrote that I had been born in Marathon Avenue , Darling Point , Sydney , next door to Gubby Allen .
10 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
11 Of course , I had no idea whether these ladies were right or wrong , but the revelation of fragments of past lives helped me come to terms with my true nature , and to understand why I had been troubled in the past .
12 ‘ The revelation of these fragments of past lives helped me to come to terms with my true nature , and to understand why I had been troubled in the past . ’
13 It felt like I had been kicked in the chest by a mule ’ .
14 I had been trained in Mespot in the art of aerial survey by the Royal Engineers , which I felt was of no practical use to my squadron , thus I became the squadron photographic officer ( small p and small o ) .
15 I had been selected in my second year at Eton , while I was still a Lower boy , to box against the Eton Mission from Hackney Wick in the East End of London .
16 I had been reading in Shelvocke 's Voyages , a day or two before , that , while doubling Cape Horn , they frequently saw albatrosses in that latitude , the largest sort of sea-fowl …
17 I loved maths when I was at school , but I had been taught in a very formal way .
18 Evidently deciding that prudery was the better part of valour , I hotfooted it down to the bedroom again in time to witness half the ceiling crashing in flames on to the bed I had been sleeping in moments before .
19 I remember thinking that if I had been trapped in the car , the firemen would not have reached me in time .
20 I felt as though I had been reincarnated in the same lifetime .
21 I had been humiliated in front of my public .
22 By the time the rope went tight I had been standing in the same spot for nearly an hour and a half .
23 It was a cold day and I had been standing in that particular spot for half an hour , so I was glad to get into the car , which was driven by a smart-looking man in a tweed cap .
24 My first appearance had been in the Junior Indoor Championships the previous year , when I had been eliminated in the heats .
25 As far as the army was concerned , I had been told in October 1945 that effectively the matter was ended with the presumption of death .
26 I had been shooting in the lonely hills in the north of England .
27 Cameraman Martyn Colbeck , our Russian and Tadjik helpers and I had been filming in the mountains and soda lakes of the eastern Pamirs , a few miles from the Chinese border .
28 I must say , something about this small encounter had put me in very good spirits ; the simple kindness I had been thanked for , and the simple kindness I had been offered in return , caused me somehow to feel exceedingly uplifted about the whole enterprise facing me over these coming days .
29 It was as though I had been caught in a wild torrent of a rampaging river .
30 I had been left in no doubt that any other way of handling John 's case might endanger his life .
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