Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [to-vb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had to explain to poor Isabella that Mr Edgar had refused to write to her .
2 I ought to be on holiday , but I was n't : this was merely a brief interlude before I had to report to that wretched banker and enmesh myself in a host of false relationships in the Ingard office , to try to discover — what ?
3 ‘ I wanted to run away , to hide , but I had to return to this lonely , meaningless place . ’
4 I 've been going to bed at half past one and I was doing the T M A for two nights , then I 've been doing his V A T for two nights so I 've got to bed really really late and I just and , the thing is , the T M A were all on about my then I just start to relax I had to resort to herbal knockout drops .
5 I did it all on me own , of course Alan sat here like a bloody idiot , I said you sit there do n't get , he said I thought you were getting a cloth , I burnt all me arm trying to , jumping out , hacking me hair out there so I had to say to this bloke I said well there 's erm justice for you , he said what ?
6 He said , whereas my mum over there in the corner , he said , if she had a bash I had to listen to bloody Frank Sinatra , would n't I ?
7 When Phil Collins came on , his jacket had such wide shoulders that I had to lean to one side to see the monitor TV set which the producer uses to scribble messages to me .
8 Leith swallowed hard , and knew , before the weakness of loving him , the weakness of wanting him battered down the rest of her defences , small though those defences were , that she had to appeal to that in him which she somehow knew would make him hate himself if he took her .
9 She is also a great letter-writer , a hangover no doubt from years at boarding school , where she had to write to both parents every week .
10 And from the way the staff greeted her she was obviously a regular there ; she had to chat to several before taking a glass of wine to a booth towards the front out of Maxim 's sight .
11 You had to talk to those dear old folk at the Empress and I do n't blame you .
12 You had to go to such trouble to persuade the subject to accept the poison and when ( or rather , in his case if ) you managed it , your very intimacy made it all too clear to everyone that you were the one who was slipping them the doctored crumble , the dodgy spaghetti bolognese or the potato salad unusually rich in mineral salts .
13 ‘ Well , yes , but that did n't mean you had to jump to all sorts of other conclusions . ’
14 Alright , fair enough , you accepted what we 've been saying for ages that we had to go to voluntary competitive tendering right .
15 Dr so we had to respond to that , and we responded in a number of ways .
16 However no-one had ever heard of dancing in Church , except in Seville in Spain , so we had to stick to choral and solo singing .
17 The dazibao writers regretted the fact that they had to resort to this medium for making their opinions known .
18 So they had to resort to indirect tactics .
19 Instead of hearing blocks of questions that used only more , or only less , they had to respond to such questions as ‘ Does this set of lollipops have more lollipops , less lollipops , or the same number of lollipops as this set ? ’
20 As there is no school for Tibthorpe children they had to walk to nearby Kirkburn , but today the school bus provides a more convenient form of transport .
21 The two girls were silent as they cooked and when they had to speak to one another spoke in quick , urgent whispers .
22 That 's probably why they had to write to each other even after they were married .
23 It had to come to this , he wrote .
24 If a union decided to repudiate a strike , it had to write to all its members taking part in the strike to tell them that the union would give no support , and that they risked dismissal without compensation if the strike continued .
25 Apparently Gagarin said that when he looked out of the right window of his spacecraft and glimpsed the earth for the first time , he had an experience or sense of — and then he used a word which the interpreter did not know the meaning of , so he had to go to another table and ask another interpreter to help .
26 We told the child that there was a chocolate in one of the boxes and that he had to point to one of them — guessing of course — to tell the experimenter where to look for the chocolate .
27 He could hardly stand , he had to cling to one of the arms that helped him up .
28 The idea that the SLD exists to replace Labour carries little conviction , and so he had to bow to those of his followers who advocate an outright anti-Thatcher stance .
29 The Revolution of 1688 lost D'Urfey the courtly connections he had developed , so that he had to turn to other means of support .
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