Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [vb pp] from [det] " in BNC.

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1 I had suffered from these cramps four years before and in Tokyo they were bothering me from the start .
2 There was no doubt I had emerged from that episode as a complete Charlie .
3 No doubt that was due to the ticking off she had received from that strict harridan of a teacher at the small private school in Kensington .
4 Long ago she had retreated from all the suffering into her own world .
5 Perhaps , when she had recovered from this encounter , he could suggest that they become engaged , albeit in an unacknowledged fashion as he could not afford a ring worthy of her .
6 Even her first husband she had regained from that dreadful hinterland of marsh and bog and storm cloud : and now they were good friends , she and Edgar , in the sunlight , harmlessly friends , and on some subjects ( the National Health Service , the pathology of multiple murderers , the ethics of reporting violent crime ) had struck up alliances that excluded , that increasingly and dramatically excluded , her husband Charles .
7 Ruth did n't follow straight away ; she stood folding her napkin absently and staring down at it and wondering what she had learnt from that .
8 ‘ I 'm looking for someone , ’ he said , trusting her ; knowing that she had acted from more than self-interest .
9 Then in the long run I did in fact to Superintendent about the information we had gleaned from this telephone call .
10 People would stop in the street asking how we were and where we had come from all in perfect English .
11 If they had come from any other man or woman in the kingdom of Scotland , they would have been considered treasonable ; writing to her brother Henry , Margaret made constant pleas for the English to send troops into Scotland to restore her as Regent and crush any opposition to her and the Earl of Angus .
12 Whatever information they had came from such second-hand reports as they were bound to pick up either in Marseilles or in Italy or in the Balkans , without having to visit the country for themselves .
13 A year later — by mid-1983 — three of his former colleagues — Miles Broadbent ( who replaced Norman as London managing director of Russell Reynolds ) , Julian Sainty and James Hervey-Bathurst — also defected , and Norman Broadbent International was formally established , helped by the credibility they had acquired from these prestigious assignments .
14 He all but bumped into the couple , but , just in time , he arrested his progress , drew back , seemed , for an instant , to seek for oxygen as if he had emerged from some physical deep of ocean , looked about him at the mundane world he had re-entered and then , with rapid dignity , collected himself .
15 He had suffered from these for seven years and had been in and out of mental hospitals many times and had received every available treatment including electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT ) — all to no avail .
16 He also spoke of the motivation and enjoyment he had derived from Young Enterprise and the confidence he had gained from this knowledge that he did possess significant , relevant abilities school just had not teased them out before .
17 Mr Boyd had escaped to France after the ‘ 45 , had married a French wife , who now lived with him in Aberdeen , and he tried his best to cure the local people using the knowledge he had gained from some medical text-books he found in a house on the island of Arran while on the run .
18 In the first case ( Anderton v. Burnside ) the defendant had removed the price label from a joint of meat and replaced it with a label showing a lesser price which he had removed from another joint .
19 However , after a year or so he had recovered from all his problems except cribbing and an occasional bout of colic .
20 Alexei allowed himself to dwell upon the knowledge which he had retained from that long-ago survey briefing .
21 In that year , also , L'Estrange 's ineptitude cost him control of the official news-books and Muddiman regained it because of the regard he had won from both secretaries of state .
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