Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had lived at the same place in Hampstead for over twenty years and so , as a sitting tenant , my rent was pretty cheap .
2 My father had been embarrassed when my mother or I had wept at the time of his leaving .
3 I was pleased at being only a metre behind which I had lost at the start , but it was all really anti-climactic after Stuttgart .
4 It turned out that her son was a great friend of the paraquat-wielding monk I had seen at the monastery farm near Roscrea .
5 I disabused his mind on this point by telling him about the fresh pug marks I had seen at the pool , and advised him very strongly to collect his buffaloes and return to the village .
6 Awake , like this , the animal seemed perfectly normal , not at all like the crazed , somersaulting creature I had seen at the cottage .
7 His smile was so elfin I was reminded of a troll and a performance of Peer Gynt I had seen at the Maddermarket in Norwich .
8 I stayed for a while about twenty paces away from the platform barrier , numbed by the realization that I had fallen at the first hurdle .
9 My father had initially encouraged my interest in the stock market and I had jumped at the chance of a part-time job in the City .
10 I gave up the stiff white collars that I had worn at the advertising agency and was careful to wear plain ties ; but my suits were Burton 's at £10 a time .
11 I had felt at the instant the idea suggested itself to me the first glimmer of positive thought : suddenly I knew I was not going to sink .
12 Following the work that I had done at the MU on the Circuit Board Fault Diagnostic Aid in connection with my MSc project , 2 members of the staff had gained experience of expert systems : the Chief Technician and a civilian who had assisted me during the project .
13 Others I had met at the Commando Training Centre in the Scottish Highlands .
14 Just as I was writing this book I received a beautiful card from Sue Fuller whom I had met at the Town and Country Festival last year .
15 I had arrived at the bus stop two hours early .
16 Either way half the food I had bought at the weekend was wasted .
17 I had started at the Royal College of Music , and the atmosphere there was at first hostile to volunteering .
18 Once after I had recited at the Guild I was given a pair of woollen gloves , speckled coloured , and with cuffs , which was quite an unexpected treat .
19 I had thought at the time , wrote Goldberg , turning the page , wiping his brow , taking a sip of orange juice from the glass on the desk beside him , dreaming for a moment of the cigarettes he had given up two years earlier , I had thought , he wrote , that an edited version of the text , with only those comments directly concerned with the Big Glass included , would serve you best .
20 I had thought at the time she had been referring to an officer on some survey vessel , the British Antarctic Survey 's supply ship perhaps , or else a pelagic fisherman or whaler , even an Antarctic explorer .
21 So I put away my little brown bottle of herbal remedies , turned my back upon much I had learned at the Centre , and before leaving for Hungary and all that forbidden goulash , took three quite definite steps .
22 She remembered again the scene she had recalled at the clinic .
23 Three months later , Allison was travelling home by train from London , where she had enrolled at an agency for temporary secretaries , when labour pains began .
24 Although she had lived at the farm since she was ten and was accepted as one of the family , she rarely took part in family discussions .
25 There were two daughters of the marriage , Sophie , born in 1830 , who became the wife of Sir George Bailey , of Seal Close , in the Lincolnshire Wolds , and Christabel , born in 1825 , who lived with her parents until in 1853 a small independence , left her by a maiden aunt , Antoinette de Kercoz , enabled her to set up house in Richmond in Surrey , with a young woman friend whom she had met at a lecture of Ruskin 's .
26 Lydia had rung in to say she was chasing a story in the Lake District , though everyone knew that what she was really chasing was the ravaged-looking thriller writer she had met at the launch of his last book and slept with the very same night .
27 The following evening Daphne asked her what she had thought of the young officer she had met at the Opera .
28 She had wept at the death of her father , but for her mother she felt no grief .
29 The closeness of the Anglo-American special relationship during the Second World War boded well for a continuing post-war partnership , in which Britain would be able to influence US policy in a mutually beneficial way ; and latent Soviet hostility , which became apparent in London sooner than in Washington , was lessened by the assumed technological backwardness of Russia , and by the devastation she had suffered at the hands of the Germans .
30 She had suffered at the sharp end of the tongues of some of Dej 's more sophisticated barons ' wives in the 1950s and Dej 's favourite daughter did not respect her .
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