Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While I had been away at the Wye , the silver-grey had either moved her family to a new nest of had fallen foul of a fisherman 's trap .
2 I had been away for the weekend and David Bowie is not the most domesticated person in the world .
3 I had been away in London for the day , about three or four days after Dana 's departure .
4 The two and a half weeks I had been away from home seemed like years .
5 But I could still remember what I had been through as Richie Quick .
6 Earlier in the month I had been strongly against any idea of coalition …
7 It had blown a gale in the early hours and I had been up with my torch at three o'clock to attend to the guy-ropes and check that the washing was still on the line : it was , but it had become red with dust .
8 The King 's mail never seemed to catch up with him , and now I did n't want Charlie to find out what I had been up to until I had the chance to witness his reaction for myself .
9 I had a feeling that if I had been somewhere in the midst of a mob at Madison Square Garden they would have sill got that metallic voice to talk to me .
10 I had been so in love with her , and a part of me needed to mourn that loss of feeling .
11 And I had been once in a , a cruise liner to the Canary Islands and Madeira in nineteen thirty five .
12 Now , if I had been more like you , Catherine …
13 Then , inexplicably , I had been out of work for over a year and my few friends were drifting away .
14 By the time I got to the last rocker I had been out of the garage , round the block three times , back up the drive and home in time for teal Is there any way I can turn the engine over without moving the vehicle ?
15 I regret that I had been out of the office on the 15 July and did not receive your FAX until first thing on the 16 July .
16 I had been out for many hours that day and had covered many miles of jungle with unflagging caution , but without one moment , s unease , and then , on cresting the ridge , and coming in sight of the rocks , I knew they held danger for me , and this knowledge was confirmed a few minutes later by the kakar 's warning call to the jungle folk , and by my finding the man-eater 's pug marks superimposed on my footprints .
17 Dermot and I had been together at Eton but then Dermot was one of the Lower boys who came when I shouted " Boy " .
18 I had been down in my pantry working through the supplies sheets , when I had heard somewhere above my head the unmistakable sounds of motor cars pulling up in the courtyard .
19 By the beginning of 1942 rapid expansion had taken place , so that by the end of that year there were some 3,293 staff of all grades , of whom 1,566 were service personnel and 1,727 civilian , and by the time that I had been there for a year there were over 5,000 in all .
20 Arriving , triumphant , in Ulm in the late afternoon , I had within half an hour found the worst hotel I had been in in years , with the modest staff and a parking ticket to boot .
21 The first sexual casual pick-up I had was also in South Wales ; this must have been about 1965–6 when I was nineteen or twenty .
22 And the second fire I had was just before the last war .
23 Clara was astonished ; she could compare the room to nothing in her experience , nothing at all , unless it were perhaps to those studiously , tediously visited ancient homes which she had been round on various bank holidays during her childhood .
24 She had been right of course .
25 It was a personal matter , and she had no intention of telling a snooty foreign doctor about the troubles she had been through with Ken Noakes from Audiology .
26 Ruth stared down at it and wondered why she had bought it and thought it was probably because it contrasted so sharply with what she had been through on this trip .
27 She had been up since six , but respect for the Shills ' privacy had made her refrain from enquiring until 9.30 .
28 By the time she reappeared , she had been up to Scotland and back , to spend the weekend with Charles at the Queen Mother 's home , Birkhall .
29 Nutty changed , and felt obliged to confess to her parents what she had been up to .
30 Worried that leaving it in the basket might suggest that she had been up to no good , the girl ran downstairs starkers with her boyfriend in hot pursuit , playfully offering to help .
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