Example sentences of "[pers pn] from [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now if you two charming ladies , and Herbert here , can persuade your betters to free you from the chains for an hour or two , we 're as good as on our way ! ’
2 All the equal opportunities in the world can not save you from the demands of your families .
3 More than that , she nearly died to save you from the results of your own jealousy and spite .
4 A seminar to take you from the fundamentals of Data Communications to the most advanced techniques implemented today — in just 3 days
5 Distanced you from the habits of your health .
6 He saved you from the clutches of that greasy little man by carrying you off to that back room — ’
7 And I 'm intrigued , I must confess , about what kept you from the delights of the flesh for so long , Caroline — since , once initiated , you showed a remarkable talent for sensual enjoyment . ’
8 They threw me from the battlements into the sea , but the rocks were merciless and did not kill me , though I have never longed for death so much as I did then .
9 Already I have the feeling that I 'm a bit too thin — that Anna , whose house I am at , will say that I was never fat in the first place : ‘ Oh , you 're all right , skinny ribs ’ ; that mixture of dismissal and envy she uses , excluding me from the problems of other girls , from real problems like her fat thighs , or her backside that could do with ‘ half an hour on a bacon slicer ’ , as she puts it .
10 Whatever musings had abstracted me from the charms of the city fled before the lucidity of that long-drawn-out instant of disaster .
11 No , no I scrape them from the plates into its own dish Greg come here let's have you having dinner come on .
12 Barriers had to be put around their pictures when they exhibited at the Royal Academy to protect them from the crowds of ardent devotees ; reproductions of their works were sold in their tens of thousands .
13 Perhaps the most important point to be made about postverbals is to distinguish them from the adjectives in the last remaining position , the extraclausal adjectives , which occur in an identical sequence of syntactic elements , but which correspond to a different surface structure as in : ( 45 ) the two reformers persevered undaunted two stagehands appeared , breathless They have the different intensional structure :
14 And Goldberg , in his pad : I have never said or written any of the sentiments attributed to me here , though I have heard them from the mouths and read them from the pens of others .
15 to distinguish them from the signs by which we are already combining elements of Q. The new symbols are sufficiently unfamiliar to remind us of their defining role but sufficiently similar to + and .
16 In too many cases telecoms authorities had persuaded their governments to defend them from the provisions of the Treaty of Rome .
17 Mr. Sidney Morse , the B.E.T 's solicitor , reminded the Council that the company had paid £1,000 for the Mitcham Light Railway Powers and that in his view , that specifically exempted them from the provisions of the road widening clauses contained in the Bill .
18 Probably some , who considered the idea of Making Ends Meet unacceptable and unbecoming , i.e. those enjoying the thrusting Live-Now-Pay-Later lifestyle of the 1990s , would think differently if they knew that the cost of borrowing the £5,000 that would extricate them from the consequences of their cavalier attitude would cost them almost another £5,000 .
19 For such old people one has to ask whether acceptance of their professed wish to stay at home carries with it a responsibility to protect them from the consequences of their infirmity .
20 The police , who routinely bend the rules in black areas , portray the youth of Brixton as doing the same , acting as if they were ‘ above the law ’ because of special measures designed to protect them from the consequences of their illegal actions — a fairly apt description of the police 's own position until very recently .
21 He did not enumerate them , but it is not hard to reconstruct them from the records of over half a century of Masai administration .
22 In the United States , Australia and other parts of the world , deposits are secondary and are mined with much less disturbance by digging them from the sites to which natural processes have moved them .
23 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
24 None of the 70,000 English , Scots , Irish , and Anzac troops expected the reception that awaited them , and the rain of death that would greet them from the machine-guns of the Turkish 9th Division , hidden in the hills above .
25 It is essential to provide shelter for horses to protect them from the extremes of heat , cold , wind , or rain .
26 More important , they were granted a plenary indulgence which freed them from the terrors of purgatory and hell , and held out to them the promise of eternal life in heaven .
27 Linfield needed a gifted player to lift them from the doldrums after a disappointing start to the league campaign which prompted Bowyer 's dismissal .
28 As soon as they had made their way back , Bigwig came across to them from the bushes at the edge of the path .
29 The old woman settled back in her chair and shook her shoulders as if to free them from the burdens of the present .
30 Apart from the fact that they have an arrest rate lower than that of some of the older generation , there seems nothing of substance to distinguish them from the founders of the DUP party .
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