Example sentences of "[pers pn] not for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This ill-informed comment might be laughed off were it not for a threat , prominently reported in the national press , that the Moi University medical students might not be eligible for full registration upon qualification because of their ‘ sub-standard ’ education .
2 This unusual system would give the scallop superb eyesight , were it not for a design fault .
3 A similar decision would have come from the White House by now were it not for the delay in finding a defence secretary .
4 However , I would not be here were it not for the Certificate which I shall outline briefly to you .
5 This long experience , monopoly position and continued popularity might have engendered an element of complacency were it not for the enthusiasm and dynamism of the teaching team assisted by the advice and encouragement of industry representatives .
6 The druidical temple which Johnson saw would have proved extremely difficult for me to find , were it not for the presence in Strichen of one of the most useful guiding systems on earth — a group of local schoolboys idling on their bicycles .
7 We would not be mentioning that event in these pages were it not for the misspelling of his name — something confused with a food mixer .
8 On page 37 of his volume of reminiscences [ Burton was to write in an article on rugby ] , Mr Williams is kind enough to suggest that I had distinct possibilities as a player were it not for the lure of tinsel and paint and money and fame and so on .
9 This might plausibly be dismissed as ‘ Victorian stupidity ’ were it not for the tact that in Britain in 1988 a similar view was actually inscribed in law .
10 It is our understanding that were it not for the contact that was made by the state lottery with Scientific Games , that they would be a bidder , the Scientific Games system is a good system .
11 Were it not for the support of sympathetic friends , the residents in our Homes and those who work in our factory could not be given the necessary help and encouragement to overcome their handicap , for we are dependent on voluntary help .
12 Yet chemists would guess , were it not for the evidence of their own senses , that a material containing two hydrogen atoms and one of oxygen in each of its molecules should be a gas at Earthly temperatures — like carbon dioxide , with one atom of carbon and two of oxygen , or nitrogen dioxide , with two atoms of oxygen and one of nitrogen .
13 ‘ We believe that we might have had it this year were it not for the election . ’
14 Mr. Collins 's letter to my constituent , which is extremely clear , states : ’ In the case of the rail link , there would have been no proposal to build a terminal , were it not for the need to provide one for the Channel Tunnel rail link .
15 Crocodiles can lose water at a rate of up to half of that of amphibians ( which have a much more permeable skin , and would greatly suffer from desiccation on land were it not for the safety valve of a reduced urine flow , which passes much of its water content back into the body ) .
16 It is strange to consider that were it not for the intervention of Conservative industrialists , the proposals in this Bill could have been far worse .
17 I do not know how I shall manage this winter and dread it not for the weather which is rarely fierce , but for the loneliness .
18 Mr. Howell accepts that in the present case the governors did consult the local education authority on the admissions policy and that such policy was a reasonable one for a Roman Catholic school to adopt were it not for the duty to comply with parental preference imposed by section 6 of the Act of 1980 .
19 All of these things can be found here , in an album which could well be a Bunnymen work , were it not for the absence of much of the pomposity to which they were inclined ( though , unrepentant fans will note , not all of it judging by track titles like ‘ The White Hotel ’ and ‘ Proud to Fall ’ ) .
20 Drained of its colour , the central square of grass might have been a stretch of water were it not for the absence of reflected buildings on its calm surface .
21 No matter how tasty the gravy and flavoursome the meat and pastry , there would be no mention here were it not for the ale .
22 It then compares the costs incurred for control samples with those of action sample clients , and finally examines the most important question as far as this project is concerned : whether those who were sustained at home with project support for six or l2 months after their referral to the psychogeriatrician cost more , less , or about the same to keep at home compared with the cost of institutional care ( taking into account the probability of their being in an institution were it not for the project support ) .
23 Were it not for the material in the reports of Hansard to which your Lordships have been referred , I , too , would still be of that view , for although I recognise that in popular parlance with provision to one individual of a service which is , in any event , being provided for reward to many others may be said to cost the provider little or nothing , ‘ cost ’ in accountancy terms is merely a computation of outgoing expenditure without reference to receipts .
24 Clearly there is a huge reward for them in performing these seemingly useless actions and , were it not for the risk of ingesting the wool fragments , there would be no harm in it .
25 A great detective might have considered this an astounding coincidence were it not for the fact that the hostelry was the only place in the whole of King 's Magnum Parva where a lady or a gentleman might obtain a meal .
26 Many would dismiss Peter Thompson 's pessimism out of hand were it not for the fact that he was the author of a paper in July 1987 , when the market was at its pre-crash high , called ‘ The End of the Long Bull Market ’ .
27 Replacement of the eroded ragstone facing could have provided a problem were it not for the fact that the builder who was employed to undertake the conversion was dismantling an identically constructed church at Canterbury at the same time and thus it was possible to import salvaged ragstone from the demolition for re-use at All Saints and St Barnabas .
28 IWOULD agree that male and female stereotypes portrayed in cartoons are equally abhorrent , were it not for the fact that , whilst one pokes fun at a powerful group in society ( men ) , the other perpetuates the oppression of a powerless group ( women ) .
29 Building a tractor from scratch would have been an impossible task , he admits , were it not for the fact that tractor-pulling expert Alan Williams live nearby .
30 The curious nature of the Bar would matter less were it not for the fact that it supplies the vast majority of judges .
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