Example sentences of "[pers pn] by a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was given to you by a certain gentleman , as security against a loan . ’
2 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens ' Place , London EC3A 6DF .
3 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens Place , London EC3A 6DF .
4 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens Place , London EC3A 6DF .
5 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens Place , London EC3A 6DF .
6 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens Place , London EC3A 6DF .
7 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens Place , London EC3A 6DF .
8 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens Place , London EC3A 6DF .
9 If the insurance has been arranged for you by a Registered Insurance Broker and you are not satisfied with the way they have handled your insurance , you should contact the Insurance Brokers Registration Council , 15 St Helens Place , London EC3A 6DF .
10 Via work arranged for you by a nursing agency .
11 It did not follow that , because the architect was under a duty to act fairly in making a valuation for the certificates , he was acting in a judicial capacity and therefore immune from liability to his principal for loss caused to him by a negligent valuation .
12 they do n't want to have some er official or or some management consultant who 's eager to get a job and get extra money paid for him by a dumb government department , if those people are going to tell us what sort of people we want on that on police authorities , I think it is total insolence and I trust that whatever happens to this Bill that that answer that was given on the 17th of January is removed and replaced by something else , if it has to be replaced at all .
13 His qualities as a Christian king are extolled in a letter addressed to him by a certain Aurelian , who was once identified with the bishop of Arles of that name .
14 All she did know was that she had n't seen the last of him by a long chalk !
15 He had done no regular television work since appearing as Byron in the mid-Sixties , but a BBC producer who saw him on stage in No Sex , Please — We 're British realized that he was perfect for the lead role in a script submitted to him by a new TV comedy writer , Raymond Allen .
16 Under his bed he had a complete medicine chest , full of stuff given him by a veterinary friend in Palm Beach .
17 He confessed he had never read this one , given to him by a Parisian admirer .
18 Such a lightning-spattered ending is found , for example , in Passionate Summer ( 1958 ) , where for most of the film the schoolteacher on a Caribbean Island has been keeping at bay the emotions directed towards him by a troubled pupil , the headmaster 's wife and an air hostess .
19 Theda decided , so relieved that she barely took in the poor quality of his attire , thinking only that the delay must have been made more acceptable to him by a lengthy sojourn in the tap-room .
20 The players have now scored 70 goals between them for Rangers in all competitions this season , though McCoist was jocularly chided by his manager as he attempted to reply to the unanswerable question , posed him by a foreign journalist , of how many goals he expected to score tonight .
21 Only three of the 13 Democrats originally pledged to vote for Thomas changed sides in the final Senate vote as a result of Hill 's charges , but 11 others ( eight of them representing Southern states in which they depended heavily on black support ) joined with all but two of the Republicans to confirm him by a slim majority .
22 He had no idea that the bomb — with its sophisticated detonating system and the compact radio transmitter — had been smuggled to him by a devious route , via Finland and Germany .
23 On 7 August Franco set up his headquarters in Seville , in a large house offered to him by a local aristocrat , the marchioness of Yanduri .
24 But the last time he had been in the headlines , people had known him by a different name — Chris Bott .
25 Only it seems they was callin' him by a different name , or names even .
26 The Rev H.P. Wright , who was a chaplain in the Crimea , always carried in his breast-pocket a prayer-book given to him by a devout family nurse .
27 My thoughts went back to yesterday evening and Jock at No. 4 Commando , the damage done to him by a German mortar bomb , his head almost split in two and a leg blown off .
28 She seemed to vanish as quickly as she had appeared , leaving Ianthe to be pushed forward into the train , where she stood in a daze until she found herself sitting down in a seat offered to her by a small boy .
29 There were two daughters of the marriage , Sophie , born in 1830 , who became the wife of Sir George Bailey , of Seal Close , in the Lincolnshire Wolds , and Christabel , born in 1825 , who lived with her parents until in 1853 a small independence , left her by a maiden aunt , Antoinette de Kercoz , enabled her to set up house in Richmond in Surrey , with a young woman friend whom she had met at a lecture of Ruskin 's .
30 A love of art was kindled in her by a Dominican priest in the 1930s , and indeed , a spiritual and moral consciousness beyond the usual lip-service to the ‘ otherness ’ of creative endeavour has always informed her involvement in art .
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