Example sentences of "[pers pn] at that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was so useful to have been on the road myself and to have experienced cold-calling , setting up new accounts , or merchandising accounts that did n't want to see you at that particular moment .
2 To confront you at that particular moment was deplorable . ’
3 ‘ While I might have had difficulty believing you at that particular moment two years ago , it was two years ago .
4 For , though Alexander was there , he was clearly not expecting her to walk in on him at that precise moment .
5 I spotted it and lost it at that last roundabout .
6 When I saw them again I dropped down on one knee , knowing that even though they were constantly looking back they would n't see me at that low level , in my nature-coloured clothes .
7 ‘ Shee-it , ’ I said , and felt guilty that I was leaving the island without sharing the chicken dinner that Sarah Straker was doubtless cooking for me at that very moment .
8 Keep condoms handy , so you do n't have to go tearing around looking for them at that crucial moment .
9 And our comment to them at that particular stage was , ‘ Well , if that 's the case that 's the case .
10 She had once thought of herself as unique , had been encouraged ( in theory at least ) by her education and by her reading to believe in the individual self , the individual soul , but as she grew older she increasingly questioned these concepts : seeing people perhaps more as flickering impermanent points of light irradiating stretches , intersections , threads , of a vast web , a vast network , which was humanity itself : a web of which much remained dark , apparently but not necessarily unpeopled : peopled by the dark , the unlit , the dim spirits , as yet unknown , the past and the future , the dead , the unborn : and herself , and Brian , and Liz , and Charles , and Esther , and Teddy Lazenby , and Otto and Caroline Werner , and all the rest of them at that bright party , and in these discreet anonymous dark curtained avenues and crescents were but chance and fitful illuminations , chance meetings , chance and unchosen representatives of the thing itself .
11 When trials come we must trust what he has revealed about himself in the Bible rather than what our senses tell us at that particular point in time .
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