Example sentences of "[pers pn] at [adj] point [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They would ask me into their classes to watch them teach ; they gave me time for interviews ; they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I at various points in my research I erm attempted to feed back to them some of the material that I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this and I would erm use those meetings then to refine my ideas .
2 He walked forward into the middle of the nave , and stood looking straight before him at some point above the high altar .
3 I think , does n't she ask her at one point about Grace Poole ?
4 Yeah I I did it with Pauline , she she actually did n't mind doing it at one point before Christmas but it has n't come about and as she said , wo n't change it , it wo n't happen .
5 yeah he said oh Margaret wages have been took out me car he said I ge , I 'll get it at some point for you Margaret he said when I go at the bank but he said , yours was taken out Jack 's car
6 So if we can be quite clear in our minds from now , you might get questions on it tomorrow , you might get questions on it at some point in the future during the week , but they inevitably come at some point .
7 Yeah , I just want to get the emphasis back onto that one first , and the products , we accepted it and we 've got to live with it at some point in time , but the longer I can put that off , the better .
8 It is difficult , I think , to overestimate the potential significance of this approach , and we will return to it at several points in this book .
9 We will discuss some of them at various points in this book .
10 Eadmer inserted them at this point into his Historia Novorum .
11 But they all counted as pieces on the diplomatic chessboard and enjoyed some sort of self-government ; it is convenient to regard them at this point as comparable entities .
12 The inclusion of them at this point in the text , defines the whole process of the experience of love , " insuperable " " inseparable " and " singular " as the activity of the Holy Spirit in man .
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