Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sorry I have to miss the orgy .
2 In fact , I have to spend a lot of my time asking silly questions of people while standing in all sorts of silly places .
3 I have to wait a while before I get a second chub , but it is worth it for this one weighs 4lb 10oz and fights like a demon .
4 ‘ The Police generally support us on this , but I have to say the problem does not seem quite as serious now as it used to be , and they did not mind us frequently playing Saturday games last season . ’
5 Erm we will pay bed breakfast and evening meal up to thirty pound a night and I have to say the trainers will always know of some good deals .
6 The next day we shared a three-course meal ( I have to say the food was excellent , thanks to Jimmy and Martin , the youth workers at the Farm ) called an ‘ agape . ’
7 I have to say the results were incredibly heartening , and after a minimal amount of extra tweaking with the Quad-FX 's master controls the Boogie was powering all the effects individually , with no extra noise and no unwanted distortion at all .
8 er and Chairman I must say that as to request from County Council at Molds and County Council at Harson , from the Ipswich Borough Council for their copies of the plans which you have not yet received , I have to decline the protocol it takes that this committee is the first to see the county surveyor 's proposals , and I ca n't give any other elected member within Suffolk prior treatment over that to be quite honest .
9 I have to clarify the question of communication .
10 I have to set the record straight .
11 I have to acquaint the House that this House has this day attended Her Majesty in the House of Peers , and that Her Majesty was pleased to make a Most Gracious Speech from the Throne to both Houses of Parliament , of which I have , for greater accuracy , obtained a copy .
12 I have to respect the woman I go to bed with . ’
13 I have to signal the police at regular intervals that I 'm OK , ’ she continued lying .
14 I have to like the act and their music .
15 I have to put the tape on
16 ‘ But I have to move the owls around each week , ’ he says .
17 In the time that I have to move the report I 'd like to concentrate on some of the developments that have been taking place in health and safety this is not to , er , give the impression that environmental developments are not important but over this next year the government are going to be taking certain measures that we need to be aware of , er , in the health and safety area .
18 ‘ Better have it in my place , I have to watch the kids . ’
19 I have to cook the kids ’ dinner , so I 'm shutting the shop now .
20 I have to lift the players mentally and physically for games at Bristol City and Tranmere Rovers .
21 I have to draw the book .
22 Also , I have to report the receipt of another letter of objection which I think the county surveyor is wa aware about but does not alter his recommendation to the report .
23 It is with deep regret that , on behalf of Athletico Whaddon Football Club , I have to report the death of club chairman , Mr Ken Mentle .
24 IT IS with regret that I have to report the death of one of our Trowbridge pensioners on .
25 On a sadder note , I have to report the passing away of the last Crediton chicken .
26 The Escort has been one of Britain 's top-sellers for many years and having tested various examples of the latest in the range I have to give a curate 's egg verdict .
27 Well look folks we 'll have to stop now it 's gone eleven and I have to give a lecture Joy , er that was an excellent er summary , well done .
28 But there 's something I have to give the boy .
29 That 's my only gripe here and to counter it I have to give the Teardrop 's tremolo system top marks for simplicity and ease of use .
30 I have to visit the shrine of the Blessed Dionysius . ’
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