Example sentences of "[pers pn] 's on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She 's on the front line , ’ he said and it was n't meant to be enigmatic .
2 It 's two and a half miles from door to door and there are buses later on , but if she 's on the late shift and just misses one , Joelle is faced with another long walk if her mother ca n't pick her up by car .
3 Well she 's on the second balcony under in the centre under the top you know where the she 's said it 's great in the back there .
4 She 's on the first floor . ’
5 she 's on the organic crisps at school and er
6 yeah , there , it 's on the one page and Gemma
7 ‘ I think it 's on the thirtieth , is n't it ?
8 ‘ I know of a drug which is a bloody good cure for a cold but it 's on the banned list because it 's supposed to act as a boost .
9 It 's on the front page . ’
10 Now it 's on the financial and administrative side that I suspect that the Home Office is concerned about and I believe they 've gone the wrong way about it .
11 And it 's it 's on the economic front that regeneration has the highest priority in Leeds and not on the housing front , as I as I 've previously described .
12 No , it 's on the outside there .
13 But could we please be told just a little bit more about Compus course , er run by Horizon , that 's mentioned in the last paragraph , erm on the , on green one , it 's on the first page .
14 It 's like er a fashion and because it 's on the black market , it 's infinitely more attractive .
15 The moon has an affect holding the sea water on to the earth when it 's on the far side of the earth .
16 St it can be the s I tell you it 'll be the feathers or the stockings if it 's on the twentieth of December
17 I know , but it 's on the twelve hundred .
18 It 's on the other side of the bend .
19 You turn it it 's on the other side .
20 And the other tide will be the anti high tide when it 's on the other side of the earth .
21 It 's on the other side Alex .
22 No it 's not on this tape , it 's on the other tape .
23 Guy lives on the sixth floor in let me see , it 's on the it 's if , if you 're going along the corridor it 's just past the final year notice boards , it does have a number , I 've forgotten which one it is but it 's on the right hand side .
24 We 'll see Christmas , who ? , no it 's , er it 's on the right hand side , it 's , it 's the next page at the bottom is it ?
25 It 's on the right side of the road
26 Where the monument is , you turn right and you go up that small road and it 's on the right hand side ?
27 It 's on the second floor , number twenty-seven . ’
28 And er I I would honestly put it in the , in the March period it 's on the second
29 Right well just that er it 's been resolved a bit since I handled it cos er got this meeting set up which I do n't know whether , whether you need to come , it 's on the second of February
30 Well it 's on the second of Jan July .
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