Example sentences of "[pers pn] were not the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed that Ellen and I were not the only ones to take such a precaution , for late that night Jackson Chatterton lumbered on deck with a bottle in one huge hand .
2 ‘ Mr Jacobsen , ’ she forced herself to speak slowly and calmly , refusing to let him know he 'd just lit a tinder within her , ‘ it may have escaped your notice that you were not the only member of the cast — come to that , you were n't the only male , either .
3 You were not the only one attracted by his business ventures .
4 You were not the only one in earshot , Mrs Roscoe .
5 Also we discovered in conversation that we were not the only people who felt that the usual procedure was a wasteful and gruesome affair .
6 It turned out she was just as fed up as me , and we were not the only ones .
7 We were not the first and I am sure we will not be the last to respond to financial pressures by selling off rare books .
8 Other women , however , seem to have been anxious to maintain their husbands ' position of economic dominance , even when they were not the chief breadwinners .
9 Although they were not the first to do so , they became the longest running and , presumably , most successful pin manufacturers in the Painswick area .
10 They were not the only children to die in the district and the Milltown cemetery was only one of several busy around that time in an awful traffic with children 's white coffins .
11 They were not the only retailers to be bankers as well .
12 Let them show the enemy that they were not the only ones who could attack by sea ; and show also that the Scots could do it in less blundering fashion .
13 They were not the only respondent of the survey who identified another clear advantage of headhunting , especially for the most senior positions : that staff who were prepared to move jobs actually prefer to be headhunted , rather than face the time-consuming task of ploughing through advertisements or the slightly demoralising task of putting their names down with agencies .
14 They were not the only ones .
15 It was during this first day of the journey that Tallis realized they were not the only travellers moving north , towards the marshlands .
16 The 330 replies showed that 22 servicemen had died of reticuloendothelia system neoplasms ( cancers ) , and another five dead men had a history of such diseases although they were not the primary cause of death .
17 Clear words were a matter of practical rather than juridical significance ; they were not the essential constitutive element in trusts but invaluable evidence as to the intentions at law of the settlor .
18 But expensive as these things were for a king of a small country , they were not the crippling drain on his purse that genuine warfare would have been .
19 They were not the illegal so we could n't stop them from delivering them .
20 ‘ We looked at the tournaments in the context of the whole winter and decided they were not the best preparation for a challenging series against the West Indies . ’
21 They were not the shabby workmen , but were dressed in what looked like blue and white satin .
22 That was the only hiccup in Llanelli 's 10-try victory , although they were not the highest scorers of the day .
23 But they were not the greatest : the mechanical acoustic early warning device of Alexander Graham Bell ( his first essay in telecommunications ) is rarely heard nowadays .
24 They were not the lowest fish , as the transmutationist predicted , but among the highest .
25 You obviously knew they were not the brightest of fellows . ’
26 When asked , ‘ Are nation and state the same , or are we talking about different things ? ’ 43% of West Germans — 81% among the most educated — gave the obvious answer that they were not the same , since two German states coexisted .
27 Cuvier investigated the bones of the ancient elephants and showed that they were not the same as the living African and Indian elephants .
28 It also distorted the colours in the presentation — they were not the same as those on the monitor .
29 His reason is that he can not be sure of what code of manners were followed there and if they were not the same as his it would seem as if he were almost a bully in chasing down someone below his class .
30 In 1972 , the miners of the Jiu Valley had already shown that they were not the reliable toadies who could be expected to applaud the Comrade without comment on his ‘ working visits ’ .
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