Example sentences of "[pers pn] were [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My friends and I were of the resistance .
2 she was for the top of the hockey team and I were for the football
3 It needed no great powers of prophecy to realize that Nigel and I were on a collision course .
4 Suddenly I found that he and I were on a collision course , both in Atlas aircraft .
5 Even from where Taff and I were on the road it was obvious that the dead soldiers were German .
6 If I were on the pay side in the Treasury , I would be prepared to permit maximum flexibility on the salary and conditions offered to the successful applicant .
7 John and I were on the dole .
8 Vic and the crew were on the bank , Matt and I were on the raft with about a dozen Indians paddling and poling .
9 ‘ Dear Thomas and I were on the point of announcing our engagement .
10 Towards noon , the mirage drew nearer , to about half a mile , as if I were on an island trapped by the in-coming tide .
11 ‘ I wish I were on an island with you and nobody else , with no trouble or danger or terrible memories to make me suffer . ’
12 He and I were at a lobby at the House of Commons yesterday , in er , celebration of the mobility allowance , which campaigned very successfully , and we , in the Community Transport field , have very close working relationships and communication .
13 The earth curved up and around me wherever I went , as if I were at the bottom of a dish , and no matter how far I travelled I could get no nearer the rim — like a spaceman hurtling , as he thinks , towards the edge of the universe , only to find it unfolding before him and closing in behind , so that he is always at the centre .
14 We stayed in a cottage on the cliffs , overlooking the harbour , and within moments of arrival , my brother Ian and I were at the end of the pier , fishing .
15 and they said everybody there 's a meeting , so I thought oh christ cos it was just a standard joke me and Elaine , cos the last meeting they had , I were at the leisure shop then and they called the meeting to tell us it was the end and it was closing , and me and Elaine sneaked down the hall and we were going like this
16 Feeling as if I were under an enchantment , I walked the narrow way , between vivid white handrails that shone in the half-light .
17 Galway was the strangest town I had ever visited , and I felt as if I were in a dream .
18 ‘ I always thought , if I were in a hole , you 'd be the sort of chap I might turn to .
19 The house was right down at the bottom of the street , and I moved like a ghost from lamp to lamp , tiptoeing for some reason , as if I were in a jungle in dread of attracting the attention of wild animals prowling near me .
20 But now Valeria and I were in a quandary .
21 Russell and I were in the road talking whilst he was fixing his car .
22 My mother and I were in the kitchen when I saw him and involuntarily said , ‘ My God , he looks as though he 's … ’
23 On the way home , Frank was driving and Harry and I were in the back seat , and Harry put his arm round me .
24 I 'd sent Mum to the acupuncturist to try and give her some energy , and Jack and I were in the house when we heard a terrible thud .
25 ‘ It may seem so to you , but you can take my word for it , if I were in the business of prowling around car parks looking for innocent Bentleys to wreck , I most certainly would n't use my own car as a battering-ram .
26 God I were in the market and I thought I 'd better take a bit more wrapping paper and I and I had it I said that 's ten and of course I get on the and I did n't know
27 My mother and I were in the garden .
28 ‘ Don and I were near the top , ’ Steve explains , ‘ but we just saw down in the snow and Don pulled out a bottle of booze .
29 Mainly there was silence , in still greenish light , as if she were at the bottom of a pool .
30 Under his dark , quizzical gaze she felt as if she were under a microscope as she forced her legs to move , glued a polite smile on her lips .
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