Example sentences of "[pers pn] is of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If she dislikes all outward signs of mourning , wanting people to wear their normal clothes and for the proceedings to be very quiet and simple , that should be for her to decide , but if she is of the old school , who prefer mourners to dress rather sombrely , you should try to persuade the rest of the family to do so whatever their personal opinions may be ; although care must be taken not to cause friction over this or anything else which may sour the family gathering .
2 She is of the old pure Wolfline , ’ said Fergus , meeting her eyes .
3 A good hire shop will ensure that the equipment if loans you is of the highest quality , that staff will show you how to operate is , if necessary , and full operational and safety instructions will be issued as standard .
4 20 But while he thought on these things , behold , the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream , saying , Joseph , thou son of David , fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost .
5 This interaction between the small and the large scales is a fundamental feature of the model , just as it is of the real atmosphere .
6 It is of the highest importance that we continue to maintain these standards , and I am confident that together we can achieve this , and maintain the best traditions of public service in Lothian .
7 The brightest star in it is of the seventh magnitude , and is orange , with a K-type spectrum .
8 ‘ Well , since it is of the finest Swiss cotton I 'm afraid it wo n't , my pet .
9 What should that placid little people know of the rattle and rush of an express train , typical as it is of the nerve-wasting haste with which we Westerners live our lives ?
10 There is considerable confusion about the black-and-white pied lowland cattle which have originated in the Netherlands , not helped by frequent name changes after export to other countries and the very misleading use of the name Holstein : there is no such place in the Netherlands , yet the latter is their country of origin , just as it is of the Friesian .
11 Another figure of Hercules with a bow appears on a beaker from Godmanchester ( fig. 14.38 ) Only the top of the bow survives but it is clear from its shape that it is of the eastern type .
12 It further assumes that no clothing is purchased which is not absolutely necessary for health and assumes too that it is of the plainest and most economical description . ’
13 A broad wheel of small diameter , it is of the overshot , pitch-back type and sits below a ‘ launder ’ , or large iron tank , which accepts water from the ‘ flume ’ , connected with the mill-pond , so that water is ducted on to the top of the wheel , causing it to rotate backwards .
14 It is of the greatest importance for a potential buyer or tenant to assess the potential of a farm before committing himself to it .
15 Being published , originally , in 1655–73 it is of the greatest importance in connection with ecclesiastical buildings up to that time .
16 It is of the greatest benefit if this process is approached with love and trust .
17 ‘ It will be useless to observe to the Society that it is of the greatest importance to procure a place as soon as possible , if the Professor is not enabled to begin his Lectures by Christmas ( 1791 ) the establishment will be put off for one year — the Zootomy being strictly the first part he is to begin to teach to the pupils , which everyone knows could not be attempted in the Summer — and it would be feared too long a delay might hurt the success of the establishment . ’
18 Huge sums of money were generated by the World Cup and it is of the greatest importance that most of it goes back into the game and its development .
19 There are several ways of accomplishing this , and it is of the greatest importance that you teach the puppy to recognize its bed .
20 It is of the greatest importance that the suitable accommodation required by the homeless applicant should be provided with the least possible delay .
21 Yet it is of the greatest importance to make such distinctions within what is normally either an unanalysed category — free cultural association — or at best an indiscriminate range .
22 Normally it is of the second magnitude , just about equal to the Pole Star , but every 2½ days it gives a long , slow wink , taking four hours to fade down below the third magnitude and remaining at minimum for a mere 20 minutes before starting to recover — after which nothing more happens for the next 2½ days .
23 Some elderly people still prefer ( or have to make do with ) an open fire , but this often presents problems if they have no one to carry coal for them and help to clear out the grate if it is of the old-fashioned type .
24 Jesus is God ‘ incognito ’ : it is of the very nature of the presence of God as man that it must be ambiguous , that it may not be recognised by everyone , that the ‘ sign ’ by its very nature may be ‘ spoken against ’ .
25 It is of the very nature of the case that there can be no proof of this .
26 This is because it is of the very nature of the protocol that acts adopted under it should not be applicable to the United Kingdom .
27 Perhaps because it is of the very essence of human beings that they transcend any situation into which they come or bring about .
28 At its own level of ultra-miniaturization , it is of the same order of elaborateness and complexity of design as the human eye is at a grosser level .
29 Because the proportion in such care rises with increasing age , the survey is more representative of those in the late 60s and early 70s than it is of the over-75s .
30 If horses have a sense of humour , it is of the slapstick variety .
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