Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adj] that any " in BNC.

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1 To recover this tax ( VAT ) it is essential that any invoices or bills which exceed £50 indicate that payment is made on behalf of ‘ The Prudential Assurance Company Limited ’ and show separately the amount of VAT included in the gross total .
2 It is essential that any topic should meet all of the following :
3 It is essential that any proposals should be scientifically justifiable otherwise costs increase and jobs are threatened with no real environmental benefits .
4 After a contract has been agreed any new instructions and variations to the works potentially cost money ; if the client wishes to control costs it is essential that any such additions are controlled .
5 It is essential that any ideas and development work concerning a possible future patent application are kept absolutely secret and confidential .
6 It is necessary that any notation be hospitable to the insertion of new subjects .
7 It is inconceivable that any corpus should provide occurrences of all of these possibilities .
8 It is surprising that any survive , ’ Catherine remarked .
9 But even if it is not exactly this scheme , it is certain that any global agreement will have to be supported by a mechanism which allows the developing countries to pollute more while they catch up with developed countries which are simultaneously reducing their emissions .
10 Different sociologists have adopted these different views , and others fall in between , but it is certain that any theory of stratification owes a great debt to Marx 's account of classes , even if the sociologist ends up rejecting Marx as mistaken or overtaken by history .
11 Mr MacIver adds : ‘ It is certain that any erosion of local government 's role in economic development would leave Scotland very much the poorer . ’
12 It is apparent that any differences must be very small , and may not be noticeable to people from outside London at all .
13 Deputy Editor John Bryant said : ‘ It is absurd that any newspaper should ask the Office of Fair Trading to raise the price of another newspaper , particularly at a time when all the qualities are losing circulation .
14 I agree that it is self-evident that any viable human society which expects to perpetuate itself through procreation ( rather than through some other form of recruitment ) must institutionalize some means of creating an environment in which children may be reared .
15 As Adam Smith observed , it is important that any tax is perceived by the taxpayers to be fair .
16 In relation to conflicts of interest in financial conglomerates , it is important that any new regulation adopted is driven by recognition of the fact that the process of deregulation has altered the structure and operation of the UK financial markets .
17 It is important that any ballvalve is the appropriate design for the water pressure .
18 Due to the onerous nature of this work it is important that any engagement letter fully indemnifies the Firm .
19 When this residual method is employed it is obvious that any error made in any part of the estimate will be directly reflected in the residual valuation .
20 It is desirable that any topics should meet some of the following :
21 With an established , respected management company it is unlikely that any band would secure an agreement for less than five years .
22 It is a worry that will have builders scouring this report for ideas , although at £295 a copy it is unlikely that any cost-conscious home owners will take the trouble to read about their prejudices .
23 It is unlikely that any of us could remember the first time we saw our own reflection ( mirrors often form part of toys aimed at very small babies , such as activity mats or cot toys , and there are , of course , lakes , kettles and other possibilities for reflection ) ; what is likely is that it was a member of our family ( probably our mother ) who told us : ‘ That 's you , that 's what you look like ’ .
24 It is unlikely that any attempt will be made to recover the tent and seats , as this could cost more than they are worth .
25 Like most wrasse , it is known to change sex ( from female to male ) , but it is unlikely that any can function as male and female at the same time .
26 In a public or university library which does not have subject specialists on its staff — or even in those that do — this places an intolerably heavy burden of responsibility on the individual 's judgement , and it is unlikely that any one person called upon to make weeding decisions over a spectrum of subject fields will on the basis of judgement alone achieve a consistent rate of ‘ correct ’ decision making .
27 It is unlikely that any one cause is going to be found but some statistics may shed light on the larger scale , spread and upward trends in debt .
28 The local historian should beware of placing too much credence on year-dates given in older volumes of Anglo-Saxon history , for these can be in error by twelve months ; but it is unlikely that any modern scholar of repute has been led astray .
29 It is unlikely that any report in the UK would be so brutally honest , but it accurately describes our situation , except that the inadequate nature of our provision for many students has long been recognised by many educators , and only becomes important to others through economic necessity .
30 It is unlikely that any one method would suit all patients and therefore it is best to discuss with the patient alternative approaches to find out which seems the most likely to succeed .
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