Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [adv] [vb past] a " in BNC.

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1 The break lasted twenty minutes ; but it was not a complete break for the horseman for he was still in charge of the horses ; and as they were not feeding they sometimes got restless , especially in the summer-time when the flies worried them and sometimes caused a horse to get his foot over a trace .
2 Nails had to admit that it was true he slept in his clothes every night ; he had bits of straw all over him and probably smelled a bit .
3 Robyn blushed , darted a quick look at him and then gave a nonchalant shrug .
4 She took the double whisky he offered her and greedily took a gulp .
5 After that I had a fear of water , especially the sea , but I learned to live with it and even became a good swimmer .
6 I started playing about with it and later felt a real satisfaction of doing something with that girl 's head of hair that no-one had wanted to touch .
7 There was a tin hut at the end of it and inside sat a ticket collector asleep over the counter .
8 Nearly 12 hours later , he did sink it and then made a four at the 15th to keep in touch with Parry .
9 She tried to imagine herself doing it and then heaved a small sigh .
10 wait a minute , he and not got a ticket on
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