Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 But he had left me and broken into a trot towards his block .
2 How dare he speculate on the subject , then write his conclusions on a document I must carry round with me and display for a month ?
3 ‘ I thought to myself , Martha must be growing up now , it 's time she left the country and came to live with me and go to a good school . ’
4 We reached Mandalay and I went straight to the Winchester Mission where dear Willie Garrad looked shocked to see me and said in a scandalised voice , ‘ Oh , but you ca n't possibly stay here ’ — it was a Brotherhood you see !
5 I drafted a statement for the trade union , detailing the nature of their support for me and hinting at a readiness to take further action were the matter not resolved in days .
6 I 'd just lie on my back like Marie showed me and float like a fag packet .
7 My son , Robyn visited me and peered with a concerned , academic interest , and we came closer together than ever before .
8 Robert picked up a wineglass from the low table that stood between them and scratched with a fingernail at the dry stain on the bottom of the glass .
9 She could relax with them and pretend for a while that she was still one of them .
10 For the previous three years , Nottingham police forced an average 2,561 drivers a year to stop their cars , get out of them and blow into a plastic bag .
11 There is a simple sense that Coleridge is happy to write them , that although Kubla Khan has its savage side , it is a savage side in which he revels and although Frost at Midnight carries lonely memories ( particularly bitter to someone so desperate for love ) he overcomes them and thinks upon a happy future instead .
12 Then collect them and sow in a very shallow container like a dish or bowl containing a mixture of coarse sand and loam or fine peat or potting compost .
13 Passing beneath the arch the children felt the slope beneath them and tumbled into a trot , the echoes of their stamping feet sending the pigeons plummeting from their perches .
14 You are now equipped to play the game : what is the ideal position for each of these machines allowing for you , the craftsman , to work around them and allowing for a board of a chosen dimension to go across that production set-up ?
15 Mothers with small children particularly hated them and longed for a house with a garden ( Gittus , 1976 ) .
16 True , it had taken her several minutes to decide whether the keys should be bunched or splayed but she had ceased fidgeting with them and settled into an abnormal quietude .
17 She flings her great head at one of them and rests against a skull .
18 He added : ‘ Derby gave us plenty of problems when we drew there , but we stood up to them and worked for a result .
19 There were the Lucas boys with their model railway , there were a couple of evacuees with their mothers , there was a German Jewess refugee with her adopted child , there was a friend who lived with them and helped at a school and her children were in and out a lot .
20 And so I , we have written to them and waiting for an answer .
21 It should be stressed that large wooden articles such as doors are usually far better stripped by removing them and dipping in a caustic tank .
22 They left the Grand Canal behind them and glided through a labyrinth of quieter waterways .
23 ‘ Can I sit with you and sunbathe for a while ?
24 The body that had been racked with sobbing was now pressing into him and moving in an altogether different rhythm .
25 ‘ Leo ! ’ she yelled in exasperation , dashed after him and skidded to a halt as he stopped abruptly and turned .
26 If not , she will pretend to look straight through him and pick at a plant leaf hoping he will go away .
27 Ken suddenly left him and went into a doorway of Hamleys , the big toy shop .
28 But Modigliani did not forget and in 1915 , when Indenbaum met him in Montparnasse , looking pale and unshaven , Modi came up to him and said in a hoarse voice , ‘ I 'm going to paint your portrait . ’
29 I leaned over him and said in a different tone , " Do you know where Toby is ? "
30 Tavalouze sidled up behind him and said in a low voice , ‘ Remove your hood , the veil .
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