Example sentences of "[pers pn] the [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 I fondly hoped the isolation of Gullholm would give me the requisite peace and quiet to meet it . ’
2 They told me the legal position and asked how hard I was prepared to fight .
3 He said : ‘ Alan rang me the other night and told me to bring my hosepipe because he 's on fire at the moment .
4 She rang me the other day and said , ‘ I 've found this marvellous place for clothes — get in the car and we 'll go . ’
5 fax numbers and things put on but that alright let's give she came back to me the other day and said I can not get this fax through and had actually typed down the wrong fax number
6 You can shew me the exact spot and that will save time .
7 The electric bite alarms will give me the initial warning and the silver foil will give me a visual guide to what the carp are doing with the bait .
8 I noticed he had a slight limp ; I recalled the attack on me the previous day and the wounds I had unwittingly inflicted , but decided to keep the matter to myself .
9 To mark his disapproval of my doing so he gives me the wrong ticket and some change , of which the amount , as far as I can see , bears no relation to any previous transaction between us .
10 Above me the reddish escarpment and the red stone of the terraces contrasts with all the fresh greens sketched in long lines .
11 Cos some people er er may think , you know , the agreement because I have split the load you can still charge me the same price and it may not be the case .
12 On the album I make the comment that somebody had asked me the same question and I said , ‘ Yep , my left hand 's doing good , right hand 's doing alright , my mind 's as sharp as a tack .
13 The Sheriff asked me the same question and I gave him the same answer as I have you . ’
14 It gives me the most pain and is like a burning sensation . ’
15 They voted me the biggest flirt and they actually printed that under my picture in the school yearbook .
16 So , ideally , we need to forecast changes in demand for personnel , particularly highly trained professional personnel , in order to have time to develop and staff more training institutions — medical schools , professional social work departments and so on — and then to recruit suitable trainees and give them the necessary education and training before we try to implement a major change in policy .
17 That William and Mary Prince and Princesse of Orange bee and bee declared , King and Queen of England France and Ireland and the Dominions there unto belonging to hold the Crowne and Roy all Dignity of the said Kingdom 's and Dominions to them the said Prince and Princesss during their lives and the life of the Survivor of them and that the Sole and full exercise of the Regall Power be only in and executed by the said Prince of Orange in the Names of the said Prince and Princesse during their Joynt lives And after their deceases the said Crowne and Roy all Dignity of the said Kingdoms and Dominions to be to the heires of the body of the said Princesse : And for default of such Issue to the Princesse Anne of Denmarke and the heires of her body .
18 I am there to give them the ultimate challenge and I do .
19 So it is a hostile atmosphere and so hostile was it in the United Nations that the Americans decided to cripple it , and what they did was to invoke erm an article which called for the removal of votes from those states who were in , who were in arrears in the payment of their dues , of their , their funds and there were several countries in that category , two of them the Soviet Union and France , and the reason why they had not pal paid their dues was because they objected to the use of the , these funds for peacekeeping forces which had not been authorized by the Security Council , in their argument the Security Council was the , the supreme authority and the General Assembly had in fact not the right to authorize er peacekeeping activities and indeed , if you read the charter , this is the case although legal advice is conflicting on that point as it usually is .
20 So it is a hostile atmosphere and so hostile was it in the United Nations that the Americans decided to cripple it , and what they did was to invoke erm an article which called for the removal of votes from those states who were in , who were in arrears in the payment of their dues , of their , their funds and there were several countries in that category , two of them the Soviet Union and France , and the reason why they had not pal paid their dues was because they objected to the use of the , these funds for peacekeeping forces which had not been authorized by the Security Council , in their argument the Security Council was the , the supreme authority and the General Assembly had in fact not the right to authorize er peacekeeping activities and indeed , if you read the charter , this is the case although legal advice is conflicting on that point as it usually is .
21 was looking at them the other day and they 're really brilliant .
22 Well as I say , the police stopped them the other morning and one of the lads had a chat with the driver and all this and he carried on .
23 And then we we 're sending them the net list and saying there 's your new le er price
24 For them the Social Charter and its accompanying action programme offer the way forward .
25 A peek through the window showed that the taxi had arrived , brief farewells were made to the men , and Karl left , promising to ring them the next day and making mock threats to Erika and Paul should they forget to meet him the following Sunday .
26 I went on tour frequently from Simla to most of the main cities of India , speaking to Indian audiences and getting together groups of refugees from Burma to give them the latest news and to encourage them with hopes of victory and return .
27 as if he read Wickham 's mind , Shildon wrapped up the discussion , said he had given them the important stuff and the rest could wait .
28 Erm I the actual income and expenditure of a project of the project will probably not be known by the person carrying out the short-term programme .
29 The retailer should not sell you the first slice and the second cut should be of a bright , usually pink colour .
30 If you 're the first correct entry out of the hat we 'll be straight on the phone to give you the good news and arrange the presentation .
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