Example sentences of "[pers pn] hold [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 I held on to the counter .
2 She held on to the rail and to her bag .
3 She held on to the far side of the desk , and moaned .
4 As the creature moved within five metres of her , she held on to the chair with both hands and ran straight at the creature 's unprotected stomach area .
5 She held on to the slim hope of the towel as a disguise .
6 If we hold on to the suffering of those nearest to us , we may not be strong enough to offer any real help by lifting them from whatever is affecting them .
7 It makes it all the more important that , as a country , we hold fast to the alliance and to the policies which have stood us — and the cause of peace in Europe — in such good stead for so long .
8 Second , at the very tip of their abdomen they possess a hook-like structure which enables them to hold on to the shell .
9 There was a strong chase behind and the leaders never got more than a 25-second gap but they held on to the finish where Scott was strongest up the hill to 21 win by a second with Downey a further 14 seconds back .
10 But the more one looks at the character of the prison population the more one is struck by the magnifying mirror that it holds up to the inequalities of our society .
11 Does it hold on to the exclusive for its major shareholders or go with its journalistic impulses ?
12 I think I 'll have a beer tonight Knock , give the jake a rest , ’ said Yanto ‘ Suit yourself , ’ Knocker replied , and drew off a pint of bitter , which he held up to the light .
13 Martin had pulled himself up to his feet now and he held on to the back of the chair as he nodded at her , then watched her go towards the door .
14 He held on to the machine by the handlebars as he turned off the road and started to push it up the steeper incline of the track .
15 He held on to the rail .
16 He held on to the other end , it went underneath him .
17 Apart from providing such basic info as the date that any hit reached pole position , the length of time it held on to the top spot and a full rundown on catalogue numbers , songwriters , producers etc , there 's also a full page of background on the history of the song and its performers .
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