Example sentences of "[pers pn] never see the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well I never saw the sea on fire but f when we wen went into the sea I mean we were directly beneath the platform , and at that stage I mean the whole platform was on fire .
2 I did n't actually see I n I never saw the door .
3 I never saw the outline of a plane , just this incredible ball of flame .
4 I never saw the palazzo .
5 I never saw the broadcast , but it seemed to be a clear attempt to discredit me .
6 I never saw the mail robber , though Tom played with his children — and caught nits from them , to Nonni 's horror — and I got to know his sister , Elsie : a thin woman with stiff , blonde hair who was never without a cigarette stuck to the corner of her mouth .
7 Finally we climbed a bank and were on the road again , the smoothness of it lulling me into such a deep sleep that I never saw the barrier at the railway crossing , did not even hear them telling Ward the Jequetepeque had broken its banks a little further on .
8 In fact , I hope I never see the place again .
9 At Thorsbury Manor she never saw the inside of the kitchen yet here , it was the centre of family life .
10 She never saw the car .
11 ‘ Have you never seen the video replay of the accident ? ’
12 But you never saw the king of beasts clap his forepaws nor balance a ball on his nose !
13 ‘ And you never saw the Crocus List ? ’
14 strict , straight to the point , the work went on the blackboard , you were given so long to do it , close your book and if you did n't do it you never saw the teacher , but you felt his cane on your knuckles and he knew you were n't doing your work , so you did it .
15 You never saw the need to take any interest in your surroundings , ’ he finished for her .
16 Why did we never see the child ?
17 They never saw the wagon or the men that brought it here .
18 They never see the sun , never have a chance to socialise or act out many of their most basic instincts and often ca n't even turn around in their pens .
19 He never saw the rope that would hang him for the noose was concealed in the hem of the white hood that the hangman drew over his head with the usual gentle suggestion that AIbert Pierrepoint reserved for these occasions .
20 So he never sees the poverty .
21 ‘ There was nice stuff written during that era but it never saw the light of day .
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