Example sentences of "[pers pn] work [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Canan and her boss know exactly what to expect from each other : ‘ It 's far easier for me to work for another Turk because I can talk about pay rates and things like that more openly .
2 ‘ My boss hinted this afternoon at asking me to work on another case . ’
3 The fact that I should think this , and thought this at the time when I was one of the leaders of the movement campaigning for the ordination of women , brings it home to me how difficult it was for me to work within that movement .
4 They 've got together to form a barter scheme , using a special currency which allows them to work for each other without REAL money changing hands .
5 Catherine Turnbull , Magdalene Avenue , Carrville , Durham : I worked at that time on public transport , Durham and district .
6 I worked at one time for a man who was incredibly able at doing his job , apparently effortlessly .
7 ‘ Before I escaped from Rotterdam , I worked for British Intelligence .
8 I worked for last summer and they they did this there , and total quality management meetings .
9 I always get on very well with English prisoners of the R. A. F. I worked for some time at the prison camp where you 'll be going tomorrow , and there I made many good English friends , especially — . ’
10 I worked with full scale mock-ups .
11 I worked in that industry for 30 years .
12 when I worked in old Blackie that big old black
13 I remember when I started my training I work with this girl and I said where 'd you come from and she said I come from the most boring town in Britain , I says where Grantham ? , she says yeah , I says is it boring , she says yeah huh , it is
14 I work at High House Farm Riding Stables .
15 Really after the N tuple method was defined in nineteen fifty nine erm the next person who came along that did anything with it was Igor Alexander supervisor that 's why I work on this area .
16 Not in the sense that I work for any authority .
17 As a works convenor , I work along twenty shop stewards , and I can tell this Congress that the message that they 've given to me from the people from the people that have elected them , is that they 're sick and tired of the perpetual bleating of the T U C about how they have to abide by the laws , when the only laws that are there are the laws that are bringing this movement down .
18 Well without sort of , saying because I work in that department , it 's good , erm I sincerely believe that it is very good .
19 I work in the Local Government but I work in economical development which is predominantly male , its building construction , surveys , architects
20 Well I work in this field and you can refuse that that medication unless you 're under
21 Nothing personal , Bill , but just remember that I work in this town , and for me to work here then I need doors opening up for me .
22 Well no when we started when the strike started in the mill , I told then , you know y I do n't know what you are going to do with us , I said , but the way you are carrying on now you are going to bring trouble into this quarry , cos these lads are n't going to give in to you at all that quick , what you 're trying to do , make them work for thirty pound a week less , so you better think it over now , I said , before it gets any worse .
23 Most allow you to work in various colour modes ( RGB , HLS , or CMYK ) and to edit or apply changes to channels individually or collectively .
24 This will help you to work in any type of authority following your admission as a solicitor .
25 How long did you work at that place for , then ?
26 If you worked in this country and for some reason and were starving you would n't care if they fed you .
27 She worked as Assistant Curator to Jill Morgan at Rochdale Art Gallery 1988–1990 and staged major shows by Donald Rodney , Critical and Claudette Johnson , Pushing Back the Boundaries .
28 More recently , she worked as special adviser to Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson and his successor John Major , moving with Mr Major to Number 10 when he became prime minister .
29 Between 1940 and 1945 she worked as honorary secretary to the famine relief committee ( chaired by G. K. A. Bell , bishop of Chichester , q.v. ) which tried , via the Red Cross , to send food , vitamins , and medical aid to children in German-occupied Europe , against the wishes of the British Ministry of Economic Warfare .
30 Between 1986–88 she worked as senior research officer at the UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development while , immediately before joining the TEC , she was the Design Council 's economic and business research manager .
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