Example sentences of "[pers pn] also [vb -s] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 She also stresses that those who decide to go must be hardworking and responsible people , because only people of this kind will survive .
2 She also suggests that this fear , and women 's predominantly domestic , private , work experiences , generate an affinity between women and conservatism .
3 She also suggests that this mechanism was reversed in the 1970s , by which time more mothers were taking up employment between births , which would be likely to encourage longer gaps between babies .
4 However , this pastoral mission is not only up against hardened heathens , but it also considers that some ought not even to be read the lesson .
5 It also proposes that all components for a motorcycle must be approved for each model of machine so bikers could not use alternative tyres , for example , without paying for them to be tested and approved for their motorcycle .
6 The sharp upturn indicates a great improvement in SCOTVEC 's ability to ‘ turn around ’ results ; it also indicates that more centres are returning results to SCOTVEC as early as possible .
7 It also ensures that all outcomes are covered by the assessments and are given the right emphasis , whether the assessment is knowledge-based or practical , achieved in the workplace or in a classroom .
8 This is one reason why the proportion of over 65s has risen , but it also means that many more old people will grow very old , with much higher chances of becoming very dependent and physically feeble .
9 Whilst discussion of these issues leads us to draw in groups — such as women and young blacks — which have hitherto been neglected in studies of youth , it also means that that many of the original ideas and concepts need to be re-thought .
10 It also means that all staff across the group get familiar with the same range of products .
11 It also means that all other quarter-finalists — Canada , Ireland , Scotland , Western Samoa and France — might have to join the rest of the world in the qualifying rounds , expected to start later this year .
12 It also means that any kind of thought not in tune with these imperatives is , by definition , unfashionable and will not prosper ; which just happens to suit our masters and mistresses very well indeed .
13 Everyone agrees that this means both sides must be heard , but it is disputed whether it also means that both sides must have equal time even though the arguments of one side are more complex or require more witnesses than the other .
14 Derek Clark says that it will change sailing by forcing people to realise that sometimes championships are won by people who are the right weight and size rather than the best sailor … he says they 're hoping to examine the skill levels … it also means that more people can go racing …
15 It also follows that any sufferer primarily addicted to one of these other drugs will tend to be cross-addicted to alcohol .
16 It also follows that any assets brought into the marriage at its commencement by either party should be left out of the reckoning on divorce as well .
17 However it also appears that those with less evidence of success of this kind find the transition to higher education difficult and are more likely to drop-out .
18 But it also suggests that many –normal , healthy' people are not as immune from everyday chemicals as they might appear to be .
19 It also suggests that this is vital if traders are to be convinced that trading across frontiers is no more strange than doing business with the shopkeeper next door .
20 However , he also acknowledges that any actual legal system synthesizes the static and the dynamic principles .
21 Unashamedly blowing his own trumpet , he also considers that many of the people he selected for management roles in Esso are doing a better job than the people before them .
22 He also accepts that some evolutionary changes in molecules do alter function , and are likewise selected .
23 He also worries that any EC role in defence could weaken NATO .
24 But he also argues that this should not be seen as automatically implying drudgery and oppression for women .
25 Not only does Buffon try to relegate the pleasure of watching kittens at play to the level of a childish amusement , but he also suggests that this play is malicious because it involves acting out the killing of prey — the very skill for which mankind domesticated the cat in the first place .
26 He also suggests that this reductionism should be an end goal of physics ; scientific discovery is not about an expansion or a reaching out , but a narrowing in .
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