Example sentences of "[pers pn] find [pn reflx] [v-ing] at " in BNC.

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1 I found myself gazing at the harmonium and my memories of the happy times I 'd spent listening to Miss Louise play came flooding back and I wept more .
2 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
3 It gave me strange things to think of when I found myself looking at my own boy 's face in a picture painted three hundred years ago !
4 I found myself looking at toupees the other day , horrible things , rat skins ! ’
5 I found myself laughing at how easy it all seemed , and axe in hand went hurrying off to join him .
6 I found myself staring at her , my mind devolving from the content of the short and impersonal crematorium service .
7 Later , much later , when I 'd refused at least seventeen attempts to ply me with drink , I found myself sitting at dinner , attempting to charm the ruling monarch 's fourth child .
8 I do have to say that on occasion I found myself baulking at a certain inconsistent and artificialsounding short reverberation effect following the odd sudden soloist ( trumpet or saxophone ) sforzando ( two specific cases are mentioned above ) , but this is a price I 'm more than willing to pay for the added ambience and clarity that Nippon Columbia has afforded these treasurable recordings .
9 As we dance I find myself staring at the French girl — she has a very pretty face with long , dark hair on to her shoulders , slim build and about 5′ 2″ in height .
10 As so often in this story of my own anorexia nervosa , I find myself arriving at the same conclusion , the same central statement : it could have worked for some people , but it did n't work for me .
11 She found herself gazing at Roman 's secretary-receptionist with an effort at detachment , trying to pin-point the exact logical reason for this rush of unprecedented hatred towards someone she barely knew .
12 Again she found herself trembling at the thought .
13 Luke was standing outside on the balcony , and once again she found herself looking at his back .
14 When her lashes lifted she found herself looking at a name .
15 Drawing it out , she found herself looking at a face which was striking both for its good looks and its expression of surprise .
16 She found herself looking at his mouth , and remembering .
17 And she found herself smiling at the stark contrast between the two figures — the small passive figure of the elderly servant and the dynamic , vivid figure of the dark-haired man .
18 She found herself smiling at him suddenly as they gained the shelter of the sitting-room and went in search of towels .
19 As the sound of his car died away she found herself staring at the blank windows of Ivy Cottage across the lane .
20 Samuel Butler offers his readers a helpful hint : ‘ to know whether you are enjoying a piece of music or not , you must see whether you find yourself looking at the advertisement of Pears soap at the end of the programme ’ .
21 But , if tonight you find yourself yawning at 9.30 , why not have an early night ?
22 Do you find yourself snapping at your partner when he does n't deserve it , or losing patience with your children , simply because you 're exhausted ?
23 So at 10.30 the next morning we found ourselves waiting at Lochranza , the most northerly point of the island .
24 If we examine what it is one participant is ready to see that other participants might read into a situation and what it is that will cause him to provide ritual remedies , followed by relief for these efforts , we find ourselves looking at the central moral traditions of Western culture .
25 The momentary confusion it caused in their reaction , meant that Satan and Baal missed their swiftly moving target by inches , as they found themselves snapping at empty air in mid-leap .
26 The membrane broke open and he found himself looking at a little horse 's head lying upon a pair of stretched out forelegs , a perfect little head with shell-like curling nostrils and a narrow white blaze , and wet , flattened-down ears .
27 To his amazement he found himself looking at Tina .
28 It was the first time he had loved a carpet , and now he found himself looking at carpets in shop windows .
29 Now , with his head pointing upwards , he found himself gazing at the ridge , as over the sky-line came the silent , moving , red-tinged cumuli .
30 After work in several London hotels and gambling clubs in the early '80's he bought a pub and when this failed he found himself waiting at Phyllis Court before coming to the Golf Club .
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